Chapter 5

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A/n sorry for the long wait I just lost all motivations I am really really sorry mates

 "Thanks, Duraludon," Raihan whispered to the Pokéball clutched in his hand, tapping his nose to it in a quick and rare moment of affection. Of course Leon had won- he had the type advantage, and his Charizard was higher level. Duraludon battled valiantly but eventually Blaze Burn cut them down. "Hope you're happy, Hop!" he shouted to Hop, who was bouncing up and down with excitement. "Yeah! I thought it was amazing! You almost got him! Didn't you think it was awesome, Lee?" Hop turned to his brother. "Lee?" Leon was facing away from Hop, looking into the distance. "Lee? You there?" He started. "I- uh- have champion things to attend to." With that, Leon left the scene, leaving Hop wondering what he had said, and Raihan knowing exactly why he'd left.

It's all my fault. I'm pushing a wedge between the brothers because I was a selfish idiot.

Well, Hop shouldn't have to take this. I gotta do something.

"Hey, Hop?" Raihan exhaled. "I have something to tell you."

"Huh?" Hop turned. "Okay!"

"I... kinda think I'm in love with your brother." Admitting it so rawly made Raihan flinch a bit on the inside, not because he disliked the statement, but because the truth of it caused him pain.

The kid stopped in his tracks. And stayed there for so long that Raihan worried about what he said. "...Yeah." "Huh?"

"Yeah, that would explain a lot." Hop said, the expression of deep thought on his face. "Like, why you were asking me if he liked anyone!" He looked around. "And... why he left so quickly." The hurt expression on Raihan's face was enough to tell Hop what he needed to know. "Something happened." More of a statement then a question. "Yeah. I uh... kinda don't think he likes me back." Hop thought on this in uncomfortable silence.

"Well, don't tell him, but you're his very best friend, and he won't shut up about how bloody brilliant your battling is and so. I think you've got a better shot then you think." Raihan started. "Really?" he burst out before he could stop himself. "Uh-huh! I think you should talk to him! Maybe I could have my friend Gloria slow him down for a bit!" The kid's enthusiasm made Raihan smile despite himself. "Okay!" 

Leon was walking away. This was for the last time, he promised himself. There was not going to be any more speculation on him and Raihan. He firmly pushed down any mischievous thoughts that said otherwise. But thoughts had a way of coming back- he can't run from his own brain. Not knowing quite where he was going, Leon wandered past fields of Wooloo and down a very misty forest path into the Slumbering Weald.

He had come here once before when he was very small- the mist had closed in and he had run, hearing howls in it. Now, in his exhausted and half-minded state, he couldn't care less. The forest had a few clear paths through it, which he followed all the way to a glimmering clearing on a river. An ancient arch that seemed to shine with inner light sat in the middle- it was clear the place was magical, possibly home to a forest guardian Pokémon of some sort. He knew he was only here because the Pokémon had let him come. "Woah." The sunlight shone on Leon's face, and he knew he had to say something, if not what to say.

"Guardian Pokémon? I'm sorry to bother you, but I've got something going on-" understatement of the century, "and I wonder if you've got any mystical wisdom for me?" He was not expecting the Pokémon to answer at all, but to his surprise a bark came from the wood, and a single paw appeared out of the mist. The paw was followed by another, then a snout, and the rest of a beautiful armored wolf stalked out of the wood. It was blue-furred with an ornate sword in its mouth and staring directly at the stunned champion. It could be here to give its advice or remove the disturbance from its forest- its face holds no clues as to which.

Look in your heart, simple fleshy.

"Wha!" Leon exclaimed hurriedly. A voice had just spoken inside his mind!

Your heart, simple fleshy. Is that not what you came to ask us about, matters of the heart?

"U-uh, how are you talking?" The voice must belong to the wolf, but how? he wondered. It growled impatiently.

Little fleshy, keep focus. If names help you, I am the great Zacian Now, you have asked for advice?

"Uhm... yeah. I don't know how to handle something that happened yesterday," Leon said.

If you could impart on me the memory of the experience, fleshy, I could help? I am sworn-bound to help the needy humans who brave my forests. Although, if I'm to be honest, this problem sounds as though you can't stab it and it will go away.

Leon laughed sadly. "No, it's not one of those."

Unfortunate. Those are the best problems.

He found himself warming to the mysterious wolf already. "So do I tell you or what?" The beast shook their head and took a few steps forward. Leon flinched despite himself.

What is wrong, fleshy? You can simply tell me by placing a hand on my forehead...

"Ohh." Leon nodded and moved to do just that, placing his hand on Zacian's brow and closing his eyes. A rush of emotions he could not describe exactly what he felt from the canine, but he knew now that it was much older than anything he'd ever seen before, other than perhaps the murals in Stow-On-Side. Zacian was quiet for a long while.

...Thank you, fleshy.

"Is that good or bad?"

I do not know. This is a human romance problem, not one easily solved by the great Zacian. It seems to me that the one you call Raihan likes you- "Tell me something I don't know," broke in Leon sarcastically.

Ah. The great beast shook off the interruption. Well, to me it seems as though you like the Raihan too, so doesn't it all work out?

"But- but- I don't like him!" Leon frantically denied, maybe a little too fast. His face flushed and he could have sworn Zacian was smirking.

Oh, really? Well then, little fleshy, we're done here. It turned to walk away. Mentally facepalming over his own stupidity, Leon cried, "Wait! I-" after its retreating form. "I kinda do like him." A sound a bit like a savage laugh came. That's what I thought, fleshy. Well? You need to tell him, not me. "Huh..." With that, the wolf began to stalk off into the mist. "Hey! If you see me again, my name's Leon!" he shouted after the leaving beast. A trace of a smile played on its canine face. Okay, fleshy. It disappeared completely, leaving Leon only with what he had already known all along. But now this time it had been told to him by a canine forest guardian Pokémon, so it was quite a bit harder to ignore. 

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