Bonus - Chloe's 3rd Birthday

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I'm due in February, and I've entered the "is she fat or is she pregnant" stage of pregnancy that was my least favorite last time

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I'm due in February, and I've entered the "is she fat or is she pregnant" stage of pregnancy that was my least favorite last time. Most people know enough to not ask, but as friends, acquaintances, and colleagues park their vehicles in the laneway and make their way to the front garden for Chloe's third birthday party, I'm feeling a little self-conscious.

Added to that is the fact that Imogen and her parents should be arriving soon, and I've had very little to do with them since Ash had it out with them in the driveway almost a year ago. Last year, we didn't even invite them to Chloe's party. He told them they could have their own celebration on a Sunday. He decided he didn't want to take the risk they couldn't be polite to me, and he isn't allowing any of them to pick up or drop off Chloe from the house if he's not there. Instead, he's making them work around whatever schedule we develop. Since he's got quite a bit of ammunition against Imogen and her parents for any sort of court battle, they've grudgingly agreed to his terms.

But it also means that I'm not sure if he's told Imogen or her parents that I'm pregnant. If I had to guess, I'd suspect he hasn't, simply because he wouldn't want to invite the scrutiny or comments from her or her family. The fact that we're also recently engaged also won't go down well, I'm sure.

I know when they arrive because I can hear Imogen's shrill voice over the crowd of people making a big fuss over "her daughter", and when I look in her direction, she's all over Chloe, but she keeps glancing in Ash's direction, likely hoping he'll notice she's "such a good mum." The production makes me want to laugh and scream at the same time. It's been almost two years, and she still thinks there's some room to win him around again. Truly, to have that much confidence must feel amazing.

"Chloe's mum?" Joey's voice is clearly outraged, and I leave the people I'm talking to in case I need to head off a blow out between my son and Imogen. "Chloe's mum?" He says it again this time as though he's trying to puzzle it out.

They've never met, but he's heard us talking about her, and that makes me a little nervous as well. We aren't always as careful as we should be when we're speaking about her around Joey, and he'll be four soon. Chloe, yes, but Joey, I sometimes forget his language is a lot more advanced, and he's also a parrot.

"You're Imogen?" He cocks his head.

"Joey, buddy!" I call as I approach. "You should give Chloe some time with her mum."

"This is Imogen," he says to me, and he points to her. "I'm glad Chloe doesn't live with you," Joey says when he turns back to Imogen. "She's my sister."

"Not really," Imogen says with a huff. "Not biologically."

"Dad says that biology isn't the most important thing," Joey says, eyeing her.

"Well, your dad's wrong," Imogen says, and she makes a face of disgust. "Who's your dad? Clearly he doesn't know what he's on about."

"Chloe and I share a dad," Joey says, and I take his elbow to draw him away.

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