The Full Moon Mauler

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Amelia peacefully sat at a desk in her room listening to music whilst typing on a computer. She was writing an article all while managing a BuzzBlast group chat. The pink ranger had been so occupied with her hero duties that this project was heavily delayed. However, she had to find time in her busy schedule as the deadline was in a few days.

Usually, this would have made her nervous but not this time. This was probably because night was Amelia's favorite time of the day. No screaming children, no busy adult and usually no scheming Sporix Beasts.

Suddenly, her phone went off with a notification.



You still up?


Her co worker had directly messaged her. What could he want?



Yeah. Do you want anything?


I guess you could say that...




Out of nowhere something was hit.

"Pop Pop?" she asked.

And again.

"This isn't funny,"

And again.

"Who's there?"

Until the loudest one yet.

Amelia grabbed a baseball bat and headed to her front porch.

"Whoever you are, just know I'm armed!" the woman threatened.

The culprit revealed himself by the top half of his body hanging off her roof. They both screamed and she dropped her bat.

"Ollie!" Amelia yelled.

"Amelia!" Ollie shouted.

"Why are you screaming at me?" she asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" he asked.

Ollie finally dropped down.

"I'm honestly surprised at the lack of cameras here," said the blue-wearing adult.

"Well I don't expect people to come climbing on my roof," said the pink-wearing adult.

"Not for me!" Ollie warned,"For the Full Moon Mauler."

"The what now?" asked Amelia.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," he commented, walking into her house.

"If anythings broken then you're paying!" she warned before joining him.

Ollie typed up the Full Moon Mauler on Google. It popped up with multiple articles and wolf pictures.

"A werewolf in Pine Ridge?" asked Amelia,"Awesome!"

"Not awesome!" exclaimed Ollie,"He'll be out this month looking for his victim."

"Gorey..." commented Amelia."Should we notify the police?"

"We're superheroes- let's catch it ourselves," he responded. "I sound like you."

"You've been taking my relaxing tips, haven't you?" asked Amelia.

Ollie would never admit that he was.

"Grab a Spook Snare," he said, throwing a pink blaster into her arms.

"Let's go!" she said.

Once they were in the forest, their journey began.

"Alright, what's our strategy?" asked Amelia.

"To not shoot each other," replied Ollie.

"You're never gonna let that go, are you?" the woman groaned.

"Of course not-you electrocuted me!" the man confirmed.

"By accident," she defended.

Ollie laughed before realizing they had to continue their journey.

"I'll go looking in the trees," he said before doing so.

"That's a horrible plan!" shouted Amelia but it was too late.

She still went on with her journey through the woodland. The problem with Amelia was that when she was in a spooky mood, anything scared her. Every single movement was heavily calculated and debated in her head.

Everything was tense when a loud howl shook here. Even worse, it was behind her.

She quickly turned around and blasted her spook snare. It turned out that it wasn't a ghost but rather her fellow teamate.

"Ok; you deserved that one!" she announced.

"You're absolutely right," he said with a slightly tired look on his face.

Despite her scare, Amelia liked the person that Ollie was becoming.

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