Pitted By A Savage Man

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This isn't Tokyo.

Actually, it might not even be Earth at all. Or, atleast, he wasn't aware of the existence of a 3-meter long flying scorpion on Earth, but, if ghouls exist, who's to say that monster bugs can't?

Assessing the scorpion creature, Juzou gripped his Jason in his hands, but, upon seeing no movement coming from the giant bug even after some time, he determined the creature to be of little threat for the meantime. It might be asleep or dead.

In any case, he should get away from this place first and look for a safer location. Juzou sighed in his Arata suit. Fortunately, he still had his equipment on him when he was dropped here out of nowhere. With that said, he quietly made his way out of the scorpion's possible den, making full use of his Arata suit's speed enhancement to quickly get away.

Upon arriving by a stream which he deemed safe enough, the first thing he did was to remove his Arata suit before it could start devouring him and assess his physical condition.

Before he was dropped here, his suit had already reached 8 post and, by 10 post, the suit will start to consume its user as the user suffers from heavy bleeding.

Tapping the deactivation latch on the suit, Juzou took a deep breath of fresh air, relaxing his tensed body from overdrawn battles as the suit began to unlatch. Then, it clustered towards a node on his upper back which sucked the suit in until it completely disappeared.

"Ah-" Juzou's expression blanked. "That wasn't supposed to happen, I think..."

On the damp grass beside the stream, ten little toes wiggled in confusion.

"Oh, you're back!" Juzou exclaimed in pleasant surprise towards his very present right leg, before peeking into his pants. "You're back too! I could've sworn Big Mama took you away forever."

And just like that, all thoughts about the Arata suit were thrown to the back of his head.

"This is bad~" Juzou suddenly stood upright, seeming to have come to a realization. "I think I died."

Crouching to the ground, he began to draw circles on the dirt before he rolled over and just laid down. "Shinohara-san, I'm sorry. I actually went before you woke up~"

Laying face up on the grass, he looked towards the sky with a lost expression. "And I still don't know where I am."

"You're in the Great Ghoda forest, pretty deep in too." Suddenly a scruffy face entered his field of vision out of nowhere, surprising Juzou with how he managed to get so close to him without alerting him of his presence. "So, what's a kid like you doing here?"

"I don't know~" Juzou fiddled with hair clips as he sat up, taking note of the man's unshaven beard and ragged clothes. He might have encountered a savage or a beggar. "I just woke up here."

"Heh? That's pretty odd." The savage-looking man said, rubbing his bearded chin in contemplation. "How about this. Since I'm already done with this place anyway, I'll let you tag along until we get to the nearest town. Or, do you have somewhere you need to go?"

"By any chance, do you know where Tokyo is? Or Japan?" Juzou tilted his head, looking towards the man, searching his facial expressions for any clue.

"Nope. No idea where that is. But, there's a Jappon though. That's where the ninjas are, I believe." The man said thoughtfully, making Juzou perk up but, the next words made him stiffen. "It's right next to Kukan'yu Kingdom and below Mimbo Republic."

"Eh?" Somehow, he could hear his brain crashing. Kukan'yu and Mimbo? How about China and Korea? "Do you... have a world map on you?"

"Yeah, I have those. Basic equipment for adventurous hunters like me." The man grinned proudly as he pulled out a map from within his ragged clothes.

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