2 down, 6 to go!

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Suddenly, there's a crash that causes the whole ground to shake. As part of the life cliff is severed, we all start falling down. I grab Elizabeth's hand and i see Meliodas grab Hawk, and we both jump back up to the top of the cliff.

i look over to Elizabeth who is standing beside me and say "When i give you the signal, run into the forest."
"Yes, got it!" she says as she takes a step back.

"Which one is it that you believe to be one of the seven deadly sins? Neither bear any resemblance to the wanted posters?... Aha! Princess Elizabeth! There is a mission for your capture, but it you lost your life in an unfortunate accident-"

"Elizabeth, Go! Now!" i say as i point towards the forest, Twigo strikes at the forest chopping down every tree. Luckily, Elizabeth managed to duck in time but Hawk ends up running off crying.

I see elizabeth get up and begin walking towards Twigo, i've known Elizabeth for long enough i know what she's trying to do. I catch her arm before she can walk any further "Elizabeth, you shouldn't sacrifice yourself so easily, at least not till you've given it your best shot!" [And she should have mercy on me instead of making me write her whole speech!]
"How did you-" she stared at me as if i just read her mind and i smile at her before releasing her arm.
"Anyways, he'd try to kill us all regardless" i add
"I was... i was just so happy when i found you, ive never travelled alone before but i needed to find the seven deadly sins. You showed me so much kindness, i don't want to see you hurt! I don't want to involve you in my problems anymore, especially when i don't even know your names."
"Well, you may know me as 'the devil', but i'm not a big fan of that so we can stick with Y/N, and this is Meliodas" i say the last part pointing to Meliodas behind me who smiles and winks. I never liked that name though, and meliodas got to be called a dragon... why didn't i get an animal?

"I can't believe it! How can you-" i notice her gaze flick to my wrist and the look of shock on her face grows "That symbol on your wrist... it's a devil's tail!"

By this point, Twigo was right beside you. You 'sanguis step' away easily dodging his attack, when he sees me standing beside him looking up at him he looks at me with a mix of fear and anger before yelling "She was standing there only seconds before my blade struck, there is no possible way she could have dodged my attack in that time!"

"Y/N are you really the leader of the seven deadly sins?"

"The leader of the seven deadly sins was a great warrior! Not a small girl! There is no way you could be the devil!"

"Hard not to take offence from that." i say before i smile as i summon a luminous 'Crimson Thread' from my hand that wraps around him multiple times at such an incredible speed that you can barely even see it.

"This is the technique people described of the devil, a line of death that kills anyone it touches,"

"It's a little more complicated than that, but close enough!" i finish before i tug the strings.

As soon as i pulled the strings, Twigo collapses to the floor and he grumbles "This power... is that of the legend!" before he stops moving and i feel energy pulsing through me, i also realise my eyes must have returned from their dull grey to their natural bright red colour "That was fun, i've been starved for years!"

"So, Elizabeth thats 2 sins out of 8 already. I'd say that's a good start!" i turn to her and say with a smile.

Meliodas adds "we've got some business with the other sins, so we've been looking for them too. So, you're coming with us now, right?"

"Yes!" Elizabeth says as she almost tackles me in a hug, startling Magnus awake. How can he sleep through everything?

- - - - - - - A week later - - - - - - -

"The uniform's ready!" Meliodas announces as he walks back in the door of the tavern. "What? What uniform?" i ask pushing myself of the bar and walking over to him.

"Well, i thought it would make the tavern look a lot more professional if we had a uniform so i had one tailored" Meliodas replies with a smirk, ok, he's definitely up to something. I continued walking over to him, but when i try to look at the uniform in his hands, he turns it away from me.

"Meliodas! What did you do?" i ask only seeming to make his smile grow. "You can see the uniform, once you agree to put it on!" he says dodging my attempts to grab the clothes off of him. "Yeah, i'm definitely not doing that!" i say rolling my eyes at him.

After a while of chasing him around the room, i'm just too tired to keep trying. I look at my shoulder to ask Magnus for help but he simply yawned and buried deeper into my shoulder. Unbelievable. I've really gotten weaker over the years... "Meliodas, just show me!"
"So you're going to put it on?" he asks raising his eyebrows at me, "oh, for fucks sake! Fine!" i say and grab the uniform off him, before storming upstairs.

When i pass Elizabeth on the stairs, she gives me a worried glance - to be fair, i was grumbling curses under my breath, so i'd say she had a right to be concerned. When she sees Meliodas, she asks "What happened, Sir Meliodas? Lady Y/N seemed quite upset"
"Yeah, she's a sore loser!" he says smiling as if that had explained what happened.

Elizabeth is about to question him again, but she is interrupted when she hears the sound of a sword flying through the air. She gasps in shock when she sees the sword land only an inch from his head. Her head immediately turns to see who threw it.

As she turns her head, i look to her with a wave and a smile, "Good morning Elizabeth!" with Magnus almost crashing into me as he raced after me down the stairs. Only when her eyes go to my outfit, do i realise i'm still wearing the stupid uniform. I guess i just rushed down here after i saw it... Elizabeth returns my smile and says "Lady Y/N, you look beautiful! Would i be able to wear the tavern uniform too?"

[i imagined Y/N have white hair anyways, so it would look similar to this except it's has same belt and weapon as the outfit before]

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[i imagined Y/N have white hair anyways, so it would look similar to this except it's has same belt and weapon as the outfit before]

"Got for it Elizabeth! But i've only had one uniform made so far" Meliodas replies laughing. Only when she notices my sword missing from its sheath, does she recognise that i threw the sword. "Lady Y/N! Why would you attack Meliodas?!"

"Look at what i'm wearing Elizabeth! It's way too small! There's no way i'm wearing this" i say explaining to her but Magnus pipes up from my shoulder to contradict me as always "I like these clothes, they're softer..." he mumbles while being half asleep. My anger further grows when i see Meliodas circling me. He then stands up straight, taking his hand off his chin before he says "I think it fits great!"

"But, if it makes you feel better i'll do a quick size check" he says before i feel his hands on the bottom of my skirt. I spin around as quickly as i can and flick my wrist at the same time, causing an invisible force to throw him against a wall. "Such a pig!" i mumble as i start walking back upstairs trying desperately to pull the skirt down as i go. "Hey!" i hear Hawk yell as soon as those words left my mouth and my apology echoes down the stairway as i walked off with Magnus closely following behind.

I come back down in my original clothes after handing the uniform off to Elizabeth, since she seemed to like it and she didn't have any other clothing choices anyways. But when i stop by her room to give her the clothes she asks me "The seven deadly sins, are you really that wicked? Are you all terrible criminals, like everyone says? It seems like everyone just doesn't know you, after all you saved me when i was just a complete stranger to you!"

"Well, it's all based on opinion, i guess. Anyways, we've arrived in Vanya Village now, so let's get going!" i say as i head downstairs to wait for Elizabeth to change before heading out.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇 𝙎𝙄𝙉 / 𝘔𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘴 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now