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Post 1463 - Fan

I could still hear her voice echoing in my head when I awoke. I felt memories rush back to me.. The dream I had last night was about the memories me and my caretakers made. I could slowly start seeing their faces appear again over the terrifyingly crippled shadowy body that covered them.

I snatched my phone and hopped off the bed, calmly walking out.

"P-p.. Painty?" Was that their name? I couldn't exactly remember.

"Yes?" a voice called back. I heard air swish as they ran into the room, gasped, and footsteps as they dashed away. "Lighty! LIGHTY!"

"What?" a tired voice called in the distance.



More footsteps pounding that abruptly stopped when they reached the entrance. I looked at them with sightless eye sockets, slightly confused. I talk all the..

No, I don't. Not anymore.

"Painty? Lighty?"

I could hear light sobbing as Lighty wiped tears from her eyes. She ran over to me, scooped me up, and hugged me. Just.. hugged me. I could feel Paintbrush lean over and join the hug, too.

"We're here, Fan," Lighty choked between sobs. "We've missed your voice.. And you.. And.."

"We love you, Fan!" Painty finished for her.

A lengthy pause cut through the warmth of the hug and, though of them surrounding me, I felt icy cold grip my heart and tear it out of my chest. But.. I could still feel the watercolor blur that is life. I felt calm and serenity take over and I grew to be comfortably weary.

"I love you guys too.." I sighed, closing my eyes wistfully. If only.. Test..

I opened my eyes and saw Test Tube in front of me. I yelped in surprise and joy, tears pricking in my eyes. I ran over to her, dodging things spattered on the ground and leaping into her arms. "Testy!" But.. I simply fell to the floor. 

She looked to her left in alarm, which showed a purple candle meditating. A drop of sweat dripped down the candle's face as she winced and Test Tube disappeared without a trace. The candle's concentration was broken by my voice, and they glanced over at me. They just stopped themselves from gasping and ran around the corner, her light footsteps echoing in between the hard, stone walls.

Paintbrush looked where I was looking, gasping. "No.. no surprise.. Fan.. are you hallucinating?"

Test Tube was.. gone. "NO! WAIT! COME BACK! NO!! No! No... no.."

"Fan.. it's okay. You're just hallucinating. Come on, I'll get you something to eat." They gently picked me up and began carrying me back to my bed, rocking me ever so slightly.

It hurt even worse coming from my caretakers. "..Thanks, Painty."

She was gone.


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Log 7814 - Test Tube

I punched the floor over and over, my muscles tensing at the thought that I had a chance that I didn't take.


Candle winced. "No need to curse, darling-"


"I don't think I would be able to-"

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