chapter 4

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I activated my battle mask and got into a fighting stance with my arms Bent at the elbow with my hands in front of my face but far away enough that I don't hit myself in the face and my left Pede behind my right one which was in fornt to the right a bit.

(Annie fighting pose AOT)

I look at wheeljack not caring about my vision right now just about Soundwave and wheeljack.

Wheeljack runs at Megatron I see this to clearly, I block his attack with easy and send wheeljack flying back almost off the ship. I charge at wheeljack after a few clicks just so it would be a fair fight. "Let's dance, Optimus." Wheeljack says and I just kept running at him.

Wheeljack swung his swords at me I duck under the attack and punch him right in the abdominal area with only a portion of my strength then I knee him in the same area with little to no sweat.

I take a few steps back away form wheeljack, my optics run over him noticing many scratchs that I made with my punchs and knee kicks. I narrow my eyes, I hear a ticking sound I look down at my feet and notice a bomb.

Like on instinct I kicked the bomb away from me and twords wheeljack, I ran away from the bomb and the explosion hit my back the sensation felt like 1000°c fire just hit me. I tumble a bit but land on my feet in the end, this reminds me of one battle back on Cybertron.

The cybertronian was a experiment he bagged me to kill him, he had a what looked like a control collar on him. Whoever did that to the cybertronian was cruel in the end I put him out of his misery and let him join the all spark.

I turn my head to see megatron and Soundwave starring at me. I raised a eyebrow before I turned back to the explosion area, no wheeljack in site. I am guessing he either jumped off or called for a ground bridge one of the two options but right now I am concerned for Soundwave.

I get up and walk twords them my pace was quicker than usual this happened when I am worried about someone, I am surprised that rachet didn't pick up on it. "Orin." Megatron said I looked at him "yes?" I siad back both megatron and soundwave were looking at my optics.

"Your optics, there green now." Soundwave siad using different video recordings of different voices. "How?" I asked and the both shrugged. "Let's have Knockout look at it because I don't think this was a coincidence when your optics turned green." Megatron says and I nod, we all head to medical wing to see knockout.

Once we arrived there knockout check out Soundwave first. "Minor injuries but do take it easy." Knockout said and Soundwave noded beofre leaving: knockout turned to me. "How is your vision now?" Knockout ask and I glace around. "I can see in colors no green any more." I say and he nods before doing a scan on my eyes and my spark.

After only a few clicks knockouts optics widen in shock. "Orin did you even know your sire and carrier?" I nod my head no at his question. "Well your not going to believe this but some how you have synthetic, stable synthetic energon in your spark and veins." Knockout said and I was shocked. How did I have stable synthetic energon in my spark and veins? Primus how is the synthetic energon even stable?

"How is that possible?" I asked and he just shrugged. "It's highly likely that one of your creators had synthetic energon in them but you could have been given it at a very young age, theses are just theories though." He said and I just nodded I lower my head and rest my elbows on my knees. How? Why? No one knew how to make synthetic energon back then but maybe my creators did.

I was in deep thought when megatron enter I didn't hear their conversation but I already knew what it was about. "Orin there is something you must know." Megatron says and I look up. "The headmaster of the kaon knew your parents, I only meant them once but they didn't seem kind at all. I think they experimented on you with stable synthetic energon, causing you to have it in your veins and spark." Megatron said before knockout tuned in.

"But lord megatron a procedure like that could kill a new born sparkling not to mention messing with a spark is highly dangerous on them too." I looked at megatron. "Please Megatron answer this to your best ability." I asked and megatron nod. "Do I have any siblings?" I asked and Megatron looked down before look back at me. "Yes, you had a older sister by one arc or minute." Megatron says and I wait form him to continue. "She is the two wheeler on your team, arcee." After megatron done talking my optics widen in shock.

I just stared in shock, arcee, my arcee was my older sister? Why did he tell me in the first place. "She was trained to be a police officer but she never got the synthetic energon experiment that you got because a assassination attempt cause the synthetic energon to explode." I nod at megatron words now over the shock of finding out that arcee was my sister.

"I quess she wasn't as lucky me." I say under my breath, the synthetic energon increased my physical abilities. "What was that optimus?" Knockout asked I looked at him before looking back at megatron. "Optimus go help the others get the ship repaired." Megatron says and I nod before getting up and leaveing the room.

I look at arm that had a black thing on it I take it off before stomping on it. "They never learn do they." I say as I walked away from the smashed listening device.

*Autobot base*

Everyone stud around shocked at what they heard form the listening device. Optimus had synthetic energon in his veins and spark. "How is that possible when we didn't pick it up?" Arcee asked and rachet rub his chin. "It's possible it only woken now because of wheeljacks attempt to kill soundwave." Rachet siad and Miko looked down. "What if it only woken now because the recent events or anger?" Miko suggest and jack looked at Miko.

"She's got a point." Jack siad leaning against the yellow railing. "Or it's because of both." Raf siad and everyone looked at him. "It is possible that the stress of the events that occurred and his anger manifested the synthetic energon." After raf said that everyone nod their heads in agreement. Now they need to find away to get Optimus back form the Decepticons hands, but Miko had a other idea that involved jack and raf.

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