Chapter Twenty Nine: Future

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          During the month of May, the twins were working extremely hard to finish their fireworks and I was busy studying for the O.W.L.s exam that would determine our future jobs. For once, I was allowed into the Gryffindor common room to help Harry study with Professor McGonagall's permission. She was dedicating herself to ensure that Harry would become an auror. Seamus was laying on the ground while Dean quizzed him and the Patil twins were studying with Lavender. Since Harry was studying with Hermione, I was studying with Ron. Ron was on one of the single armchairs so I sat sideways on his lap.

          I had to put my hand over his eyes to stop him from cheating by reading the textbook on my lap. He did rather well, even to his own surprise. Later in the evening, I made my way back to my common room. Draco was asleep on the couch with one of his textbooks. Using this as an opportunity to practice, I used my wand to gently put away his textbook and summon a blanket. Admittedly, he was still handsome and I sat across from him on the couch. I missed this too. Looking at Draco, I wondered what he wanted to be in the future. Without noticing, I fell asleep thinking about him.

          In the morning, I woke up to Draco kissing my forehead. He walked away quickly as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. What a sweetheart and a softie. I got dressed and Harry and I ate together. It was the weekend and Professor Snape summoned us for our last Occlumency lesson. Professor Snape said nothing with my accomplishments, though he wasted no time to compare Harry to our father. I was losing my temper as he called our father an arrogant swine. When Harry was bent over, catching his breath, I had my hand on his back. I gripped my wand from my garter belt and had enough.

          I drew it on the professor when he went to invade Harry's mind, "Protego!"

          The strength of my wand forced Harry to see Professor Snape's memories with me. We saw him snap at our mother and called her a mudblood. Then, she rejected all of his apologies and he lost her friendship. Later, we saw our father approaching young Severus. Young James casted a Disarming Charm on young Severus, to which young Sirius said 'Nice one, James!'. We watched them bully young Severus until the professor forced us out. He turned his back to us and told us to get out. Harry took my hand and pulled me behind him. I didn't know how to feel.

          I trained with Harry and he was finally able to both block and force me out of his mind. We focused the last of our time on studying together and I studied with Draco some more in the common room at night. He put aside being prefect around me. I missed his company.

          "Draco?" I asked while yawning.

          "Yeah, Ive?" he asked.

          "What do you want to be after Hogwarts?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

          "I don't know. You should get some sleep, darling," he said gently and put his arm around my waist.

         "Mm, Draco?" I asked and he laid on the couch with me.

          "Yes, darling?" he asked and pulled a blanket over us.

          "Do you.. Remem..ber.. What we.. Were.. Going.. To do... Af..ter.. Gra..du..a..ting..?" I asked as I fell asleep.

          He kissed my forehead and whispered, "Always."

          I felt him hold me against him and he started to hum our favourite lullaby. His arm was around my waist and he rubbed my back. His other hand stroked my hair and cheek. At some point, he started whispering secrets to me. He knew You-Know-Who was back. He talked about his family's honour and pride to be part of it. I prayed he never would be before I slept deeper. 

Ivy Potter, Year Five | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now