Chapter Thirty Five: Power

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          I looked up and angrily looked for her. She was sliding against the black tile wall, smiling at me. As she left, I broke free from Remus's hold and ran to kill her. She has to die.

          'ENOUGH! I WON'T LET YOU!' Lilyth cried out.

          I wasn't going to use her or her magic. She can't stop me. Sorry, but she needs to pay for what she's done. Gripping my wand tightly, I ran as fast as I could to catch her. Her voice echoed in the empty lobby of the Ministry of Magic.

          "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me?" she taunted.

          "CRUCIO!" I screamed as I pointed my wand to her.

          She screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. I could hear Harry coming behind me. I glared at her as she whimpered on the ground, facing me. Harry drew his wand on her. I could hear Tom in my head.

          'You can do it. You know the spell. Do it,' he whispered.

          I could tell Harry could hear it, too. It was only in my head. I could do it. I wanted to do it.

          I pointed my wand to her, "Avada-"

          A hand covered my mouth and pulled me back, away from Harry and Bellatrix. Bellatrix was laughing now and Harry looked at me in horror. It was Tom. He caught me.

          "Not you, darling. Though, I suppose, you continue to prove yourself worthy of being mine," he said in my ear.

          His other hand held my arm that my wand was in against the side of my body. He was strong. I struggled but he made 'tsk' noises as he overpowered me. How could I have been so stupid?

          "She is all that I came for. Lucius was a disappointment. Unable to kill you. Unable to retrieve a simple prophecy. I will leave him here," Tom said coldly.

          I bit into Tom's hand, using my other magic. He cried out in surprise and possibly pain as my electricity shocked his nerves into spasms, allowing me to escape his grip. I ran and stood in front of my brother as I put away my wand. Tom's blood was on my fangs and lips. He glared at me and licked his puncture wounds on his hand.

          "You dare defy me?" he asked in disbelief.

          My hand drew my knife as my other pulled my ponytail, "I dare."

          With a swift movement, my rubber band snapped from my energy and I cut off my ponytail with the knife.

          "Nake, snake. Cobra, cobra. Nake, snake. Cobra, cobra," I said as I released my hair.

          It pointed straight to Tom and he watched closely. My hair framed my body. I won't let him have me. He won't touch me or my brother.

          I flattened my hand against my thigh and then lifted it to him, pointing all fingers at Tom, "Sagitta Anguis."

          A black bolt of electricity shot at Tom at the same time my hair shot forward to his body. He deflected the electric current and turned my hair to dust but it allowed an opening behind him. A green fire flashed behind him and Professor Dumbledore stepped out of the Floo network. Bellatrix escaped using the Floo network immediately after and I grabbed Harry after putting away my knife. Tom and Professor Dumbledore began to duel against each other. I covered Harry as Tom attempted to use electricity to attack him. I watched Tom create a massive serpent made of fire, similar to a basilisk and the same way the Durmstrangs used their wands at their entrance to Hogwarts. I tried to duel Tom with hair and electricity while he could accomplish this? I'm a fool, truly. Professor Dumbledore trapped Tom into a cocoon of water from the ministry's fountain until Tom broke free. He was technically seventeen and was much faster than the older Professor Dumbledore. Tom shattered all the glass in the room and sent the shard flying to the former headmaster. When that failed, he possessed Harry's body beneath me.

          "Harry? Harry!" I cried out and kneeled beside him while I held his face in my hands.

          "Ki..ll.. Me.." he strained, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his body going rigid.

          I shook my head and began to cry, "No! I'm not losing you, too!"

          "Harry!" Professor Dumbledore kneeled beside me, "It isn't how you are alike! It's how you are not!"

          Harry rolled in pain and I licked Tom's dried blood from my lips, "I'll go with you if you spare him now! Please, Tom!"

Ivy Potter, Year Five | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now