Chapter Thirty Two: Betray

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          I was falling backwards to the ground and I couldn't hear any of the words coming from Ron's mouth and I couldn't feel Neville's hand on my shoulder. Shutting my eyes, I saw Sirius in the room of orbs. Tom was circling him while holding his wand in his hand. Tom was interrogating him for a prophecy and began to torture my godfather with the Cruciatic Curse. Luna was in front of me and I saw her when I opened my eyes. Hermione and Ginny were by Harry, who was also on the ground like me.

          "Lily, what is it?" Luna asked, her eyes looked almost dreamy.

          "Sirius. I-I have to go. Now," I said in a panic.

          I ran to my common room and changed into something for a fight. I put on my jeans, black sweater, and tied my hair in a high ponytail. I strapped on both garter belts for my knife and wand before I laced my black leather boots tightly. I left behind everything except my necklace, which I never took off, and ran out into the common room. Draco was there waiting for me.

          "Where are you going in that outfit?" he demanded.

          "Draco, please, I have to go!" I pleaded, anxiety rising.

         "Let me go with you or you aren't going anywhere!" he yelled.

         "Fine!" I yelled back and ran past him.

          While running, Crabbe and Goyle ran after Draco. Draco was still faster than me and had to slow down to run beside me while I led them. I didn't care about the Bronze Trio following me. I cared about Sirius. Aside from the Dursleys and Harry, he's the only other family I have left. I burst into the DADA professor's office and was caught by my hair by the headmistress. She was still smoky from the dragon firework.

          "That's quite enough!" she screeched.

          Her hand gripped the hair at the base of the back of my head tightly. I winced and was forced to bend my knees and bend back due to my height towering over her. She ordered the inquisitorial squad, (the Bronze Trio), to hold back the group here. Neville, Luna, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron were being held at the mercy of their wands while Harry was sitting in a chair in front of the headmistress and I.

          "Let her go!" Harry yelled.

          "Enough!" she screamed and pulled harder.

          "Stop!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

          "Very well," she said and threw me to the ground.

          Before I got the chance to get up I was hit with the Cruiciatic Curse. My body writhed in agonising pain and I felt like I was being set on fire. It forced my body to fully arch and I squirmed from my stomach to my back while letting out a blood curdling scream. When she finally stopped, my vision was flashing and my tears streamed from the outer corners of my eyes into my ears. I was on my back, staring at the ceiling, struggling to breath. Before she could use it on my brother, Professor Snape came in. He revealed that Veritaserum was used on Cho and Marietta to discover the DA and the RoR. Harry tried to give Professor Snape a hidden message but he left without any response. What the bloody hell?

          Once Professor Snape left, Headmistress Umbridge admitted to setting the dementors on my brother and I, hoping for the worst since she didn't expect us to be able to cast a patronus. However, she also would have settled on our expulsion from Hogwarts, especially me for ruining the honour of Salazar Slytherin. Before she could use the curse again, Hermione stopped her. She wanted to show Umbridge the 'weapon' we were 'hiding'.

          "Shut.. up.. 'Mione.." I groaned from the floor, completely confused about what she was talking about.

          "Show it to me," Umbridge snapped.

           Harry pulled me off the ground and I gave one last look at Draco. He was conflicted but I was forced out of the office with Hermione and Ron. Hermione led us to where Grawp was supposed to be but he broke free from where he was tied. Harry had my arm over his shoulders to help me walk and my body still burned. Grawp revealed himself and grabbed Umbridge. The centaurs surrounded us and Grawp dropped her to them. They picked her up after her attempt to kill one of them.

          "Tell them I mean to harm!" she cried out.

          "I'm sorry professor-" Harry started until I stood up on my own.

          "But I must not tell lies," I said coldly.

          She screamed as they took her into the forest. We thanked Grawp and Ron carried me in a piggyback ride to the edge of the first. Neville, Ginny, and Luna ran to us and told us that Draco stunned Crabbe and Goyle but Neville stunned Draco so that he wouldn't follow them. I'm sorry Draco. Harry and I had our brooms confiscated but Luna led us to another part of the forest where the thestrals were. Even though Harry, Luna, and I were the only ones that could see them, we all mounted one and we flew to the Ministry of Magic. Harry knew where to go from his trial, but we didn't know what else to expect. 

Ivy Potter, Year Five | Raised By The MalfoysWhere stories live. Discover now