Dare 19 and 20

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This is for you @ThornTheCat, its fan art out of my ketchup, omg i sound like a stalker xD


@Kwelpgirl asks: I have a real question, did Mike eat the same fork that porked Vincents ass from the last dare? Cause if he did, I'm gonna want it back :3


Jelly: "Sure! And yes, Mike ate the fork that touched Vincents ass. Now, give me a sec!"

*Jelly walks over to dead Mike, reachs hand inside of Mikes mouth and down the throat*

Jelly: "Almost there!"

/Imagine cracking sounds/

*Jelly grabs fork that is inside of Mikes throat, pulling it out of Mikes cold mouth*

Jelly: *smiles big and turns to Kwelp (@Kwelpgirl), handing her the fork* "Heres your fork!"

*Jelly gives bloody, covered in saliva fork to Kwelp, who dropped it on the ground suddenly*

Kwelp: *gulps and stares down at bloody fork* "Thx?"

*Jelly smirks and explodes*


@ThornTheCat dares: I dare Fritz to kiss Phone guy (Scott) while Vincent watches. And Vinney cant try to stop them! >:)


Jelly: "Thorn (@ThornTheCat), we gotta be friends, dude i ♡ this dare!"

*Jelly turns to Scott, smirking like a physco*

*Vincent jumps in front of Scott, blocking Scotts appearance from Jelly*

Vincent: *yells* "NO! DONT TOUCH HIM!"

*Vincent leans to Scotts face, licking Scotts cheeks*

*Scott shivers*

Jelly: *points behind Scott* "Oh! Look Vincent! Toast Butt Monster!*

Vincent: *turns away* "WHERE!?"

*Jelly runs towards Vincent from behind, holding a brick in her hands*

*Jelly battle screechs*

Vincent: *turns around* "What?"

*Jelly slams brick on Vincents head, having Vincent fall on the ground unconscious*

Scott: "WTF JELLY!?"

*Jelly chuckles darkly and runs away*

*Scott shrugges and scratching the back of his neck, nervously sweating*

Scott: "What just happened?"

^ 1 minute later ^

*Jelly smirks, shoving cute, fat Fritz towards Scott*

Fritz: "What the fuck, Jelly?!"

*Jelly giggles*

*Thorn (@ThornTheCat) comes up from behind Scott, shoving him closer to Fritz*

*Jelly grabs a bucket of cold, freezing water in her hands; towering over Vincents unconscious body*

Jelly: "Now, you guys gotta kiss! No buts cause its a dare from a amazing author! Now do it!!!"

*Fritz shrugges, leaning closer to Scotts face*

*Scott blushes strawberry, having Fritz get closer to his face in seconds*

*Jelly giggles darkly, pouring cold water all over Vincents face*


*Fritz and Scott kisses deeply*

*Vincent wakes up, jerking his body off the ground quickly*

Jelly: "Vinney, look!" *points as the odd couple kissing*

*Vincent stares, slowly turning the color red*

Thorn: "Uh... Is Vincent ok?"

Jelly: *shrugges* "I dont know, but lets see what happens!"

*Vincent breaths heavily turning extremely dark red*

*Fritz and Scott break the kiss, staring into each others eyes, gasping for air*

Fritz: "That was great!" *giggles yet blushes*

Scott: "Ya..." *sweats nervously*

*Thorn fangirls hardcore, nosebleeding*

*Vincent battle screechs and picks up bloody, saliva fork from the ground*

Fritz: *stares in fear at Vincent* "Uh... Vincent, what are you gonna do with Kwelps fork?"

Vincent: "YOU'LL SEE!"

*Vincent charges towards Fritz with the fork in his hands*

*Fritz screams, shutting his eyes closed, shaking in fear*

Jelly: *aggressively yells* "NOOT NOOT!!!!!!!!"

*Jelly flies over Vincent, throwing the brick at Vincents head once again*

*Brick hits Vincents head, having Vincent fall on his face, unconscious*

*The bloody fork, which was in Vincents hands, stabs through Vincents face*

*Blood spills everywhere*

Jelly: "GROSS!!!!!!"

*Scott screechs*

*Fritz throws up all over Jelly*

Jelly: *screams* "EVEN GROSSER!!!!!!"

*Thorn backs away, like nothing happened*

*Kwelp looks down at her fork and Vincent, disgusted*

Kwelp: "..... I'm not sure that i want that fork back ......"

*Kwelp moonwalks away from bloody Vincent, leaving her fork behind*

*Jelly begins to cry, covered in puke*

Jelly: *whines* "Someone wanna help me clean up?"

*Jelly looks around, finding no one in sight*

*Jelly cries harder, walking away*



Hey guys! I need more dares!!! Type the dares in the comments section! ♥ :D


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