Prologue: downloading star struck

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A/N: this fanfic takes place before Daniel tries to kill the entire camp I don't plan on writing smut but I might do it anyway i didn't write any sort of rough-draft for this fanfic so just keep that in mind while you read.

Third person POV

David had just picked up his phone after noticing the 15 missed calls from Gwen, he hoped he would still be able to ask her what she wanted to tell him, after explaining that Max had taken David's phone again and thrown it into the lake.

Gwen's POV (kinda shifts into 3rd person)

after finally noticing my phone vibrating in my back pocket I took it out and answered the call, it was nonother than David "don't worry take your time" I said sarcastically after picking up the phone. "n-no wait let me explain Gwen! Max took my phone and threw it in the lake and I couldn't find it for a while but when I did water have seeped into the cracks and it wouldn't turn on so I had to buy rice to put my phone in!!" David quickly stuttered out after Gwen had made the sarcastic remark. "jeez chill I was just joking" Gwen replied "Anyway what i wanted to tell you was that you should get this game called 'star struck' its a pretty chill game, you just kinda walk around and explore worlds meeting new people, but the arts all pixel-y so it looks like old-ish." Gwen said " besides i know the only game on you phone is fucking candy crush." "hey! language..." David replied knowing Gwen had a point "besides if you don't download it ill just download it on your phone when you're asleep." "well.. okay.. ill download it, is that all you wanted to tell me?" "woo! yeah that's it."

David hanged up on Gwen and went to the app store to download the app blah blah blah he made his avatar, his username would come to be....... daddys_kitten_123

jk it was tree_man36 (ik very creative) his pixel avatar looked just like him, he decided to just finish setting up his account and the he'll play later.

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