Hawkmoth? Part 2

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(Narrators POV)

Marinette froze upon seeing her sworn enemy detransform into her idol. Suddenly she felt like she was being choked from the inside out. Her breathing grew short and rapid. Absolute terror reached her body as she knocked on the door, hands shaking in fear.

"Ah Miss Marinette, come on in."

~Un beau saut de temps car je n'ai aucune idée de comment se passent ces rencontres~

(Marinette's  POV)

I still don't believe it. Gabriel Agreste. My Idol. My crush's Father. The person I looked up to since I was 7. 

The same person was my dreaded enemy, the one I had sworn I would defeat.

I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize its pouring rain.

Suddenly the rain stops over me. Confused, I look up to see electric green eyes holding a Green umbrella over me.

" Chat Noir What are you doing here?" Chat shifts the umbrella to his right hand and grins. 

" I can't just let my friend stay in the rain, Can I?" He remarks, Gesturing with his green umbrella. 

 Chat And I walk down the street in a awkward silence. Every now and then, I can feel his eyes darting to me, then looking away. I probably look like a train wreck.

"So Mari, Tell me what's gotten you so distraught, What happened? For some reason, that one  line had me breaking down in tears.

(Chat Noir's POV)

 The next thing I knew she was crying. I quickly pull her into a hug, she feels so cold.

'' I- I found out who Hawkmoth Is! And I don't know what to doooo!"

"It will all be okay ma cherie."

Hey Everyone! Sorry this came so Late, I have Super important Tests This week, And I got caught up studying. -_- I Hope you all have a miraculous Day :D

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