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Creative writing and architecture are not as different as they may appear. They have similarities in their creative processes and applications that some researchers, creative agents, and/or authors have overlooked because of their subtleties. These fields aren't introduced to each other as complementary creative fields. Though the title shows they verse each other; however, to some extent, there are differences in application and not in the creative processes, approaches, creative methodologies, experimentations, and/or visual outcomes. In this book, Creative Writing Vs. Architecture discusses topics to analyse whether these two fields are truly different? If so, how? Or maybe they are quite similar in ways no one thought of.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing, according to Merriam-Webster, has no definition. Odd isn't it? Though we hear that term more often than not; however, it doesn't have a proven definition in a dictionary. It's because it doesn't have a singular definition. Various sites give various answers. Why? Creative Writing is one of the most challenging compositions of writing. Therefore, I will construct the definition that I express later in this chapter.

Creative writing, as well as academic writing, is when one expresses a vision or theory with words and tries to prove it. Either prove it in a form of a story-telling, in this case, creative writing; or through numerics, graphs, analysis, and/or studies, in this case, academic writing. However, I will focus on creative writing, as this is our primary subject in this guide, irrespective of genres.

My definition of creative writing would be the art of story-telling. Creative Writing is another form of art, as it experiences a similar creative process as various forms of art, and I can convey should one seek the experimented prospects in this guide.

What is Architecture?

Architecture, according to Merriam-Webster states, "is the art or science of building." Although this definition sums the field up; however, it is more complex than that. This means that we, as architectural engineers or architects, are called the Jokers. Why? We learn almost all aspects of a human's life, social background, cultural circumstances, ecological development, and/or deterioration and thrive to come up with the most sustainable and optimum solutions. We study the history, socio-political-economic aspects of a culture, various target groups, their needs, psychology, and how to provide comfortable spaces for users. The term user refers to someone who uses space or any form of consumption. The architecture field includes anthropology and sociology; occasionally we cover archaeology, and preservation; however, not as in-depth as the actual majors. We also learn about materials and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as debate possibilities and construct design experimentations that help provide the best possible outcome to satisfy users.

Of course, the word "best" is unreachable, that's why we refer to using the "most optimum". Our aim is not to provide the "best" solution, but to provide the "most optimum" one for a particular project. Why? Best is another word for "perfect" which has been established that perfection is unattainable. Though it is a noble goal to aim for; however, it may sometimes confide one to a certain path without allowing space for creativity. While optimum refers to boundless possibilities and opportunities; it gives one the space to conduct experiments and to improve, unlike the confinement of perfection.

Who am I? What is my credibility?

According to Zoe_Blessing 's "Write a Story that People will Love" I will choose my own three adjectives that describe me. I'm courageous, optimistic, and genuine.

I would like to introduce myself so that you get the chance to know who's typing behind the screen.

I'm Sue Awad. A proud Egyptian Muslim, I am a goofy young female. I am currently studying Architecture Engineering, under the Bachelor of Sciences, at the American University in Cairo, AUC for short. It is the top university in Egypt and the Middle East. They provide all information on the AUC website and one can Google to check out my credibility, which I will provide the link in the comments for referencing.

In addition, I took a creative writing course in Fall 2019, where I learned how to write short stories. Why short stories and not novels? Well, the semester was too short for a novel and the Professor needed work to grade us. Later, at the end of the semester, our Professor explained short stories are one of the challenging forms of creative writing as ideas must be condensed and clear to grab a reader's attention in about 5-10 pages. Why 5 to 10 pages? That was part of her educational challenge to us, that we learn how to write a complete and coherent story in just 5 to 10 pages.

We wrote 4 short stories and 2 poems, and attended 2 talks by established authors where they discussed topics such as writing, the creative process of writing fictional and/or non-fictional writing, fear of rejection, and how to handle it. Although it was a heavy semester because of my architecture courses; however, taking the creative writing course was worth the experience.

I wish to pursue a career in Architectural Engineering as well as delve into writing as a hobby. Wait, Sue, I thought you wanted to be a professional author? Indeed, that is my aim, to become a well-respectable and established author with a purpose. This purpose is to spread awareness and provide empowerment in many of its forms in both fields. Unfortunately, it can be easily stereotyped that those who aren't full-time writers may not take writing as seriously. However, the good news is it's far from true as I aim to make a profession alongside architecture.

Why am I writing this?

According to my research, which has been intensive for the past year since I started on Wattpad in July 2021, I have discovered that there are no books that discuss Creative Writing and Architecture hand-in-hand, which mislead me to believe I was the only Architect student who thrived to make writing a profession. That was quickly eliminated when I, luckily, discovered the DreamlandCommunity on Wattpad and communicated with its users. It turns out there were many established architects, as well as aspiring architects, in the community.

Such a simple discovery inspired the researcher in me to check if there are any non-fictional books: guides, how-to's, or any informational magazine that describes the link between two fields since there are users of both. Though I did not find what I was looking for as there were none; however, I found it an opportunity to create this guide. What does this guide about? The Link between Creative Writing and Architecture/ Architectural Engineering and how both can bridge the developmental and creative gap in each other.

According to my research, in both fields, I theorize that there is a connection between both fields. By providing further analysis in this guide then I will have successfully conveyed a new link to enhance oneself, and help others endure their newly "established creative edge." I aim for you to grow at various creative levels. All divers, that's you: readers, aspiring authors, established authors, aspiring architects, and established architects, are encouraged to read this book. Why? The reason is that what I'm about to give you are: years of practice, writing, architectural studies, and research that will help enhance your creative self in any field should you choose. It will also help you develop a stronger sense of "putting yourself in one's shoes" which both fields emphasize. You, as a reader of this book, don't need to know any basic knowledge of creative writing or architecture to immerse in this journey. However, the only condition to embark on this study with me is that you have an open mind. Definitions, basics, and commonly asked questions, along the way, will be addressed.

Are you ready to embrace your creative self in the "most optimum" way?

Questions and topics covered in this guide:

There will be various topics which include: the creative process and how to use it, how to research credible sources for information, what is feedback and how to make most of it, how can one architect in their day-to-day lives, and how can one write effectively, and more.

Q&A sessions

The Q&A session that I will hold at Instagram Livestream every Saturday @ 6.30 pm GMT (will start June 2022) - a specific date will be announced soon.

I will post my Instagram account link on the External Link and in the comments, which I can, also, be found under the same username profile.

Chapter Updates

Chapter updates will be every Wednesday @ 2.00 pm or 6.00 pm GMT (this will vary according to my internship schedule).


Kindly note that the Q&A sessions live stream will be held weekly starting this Saturday 11th June 2022 @6.30 pm GMT. Bring all your questions and notebooks with you, and I'll make sure to cover them all.

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