Chapter 22

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Here she was, two years later, back in Europe again. Vienna was a big enough city with tourists at every corner. She sat on the gazebo of a coffee shop, mentally preparing herself for what was to come. She had promised herself not to make the same mistakes as last time. Hope's time with Lizzie had somehow weakened the desperate need for her father to be by her side, which would come in as a good advantage. Desperation was never a good factor to let in when talking to a person you despised with all your heart.

She still loved him, of course. No matter what she did, she always would. Well- Unless she turned her humanity off, that is. But Hope would never resort to such tacticts. In her eyes, turning off one's emotions was an act of cowardice. A way to push away the pain because you were too afraid to deal with it. And Hope Andrea Mikaelson was no coward.

Two years had passed since she had first come for him. She still had no blood on her hands as she hadn't back then, but she'd gotten better at hiding her kind side now. On some occasions, she was so good at talking about her recent kills that she even believed she'd actually committed such murders.

Penelope, Josie, and the others had probably reached Lizzie by now. If not... Hope shook her head. She needed to focus on her own mission.

"Who will it be?" Penelope had said. "Lizzie or your father?"

Hope hadn't chosen her father over Lizzie. It wasn't like that. She'd simply made the most logical choice which would benefit all of them. Lizzie's captors needed her alive, so no permanent harm would be coming to the Gemini witch. They would be coming for Klaus, so Hope had chosen to get to her father before them, so that she might have the upper hand when they arrived. She'd be able to get Lizzie out of de Martel's grasp. Hope and Lizzie would be able to return back to Mystic Falls safe and sound. Her father could deal with his old enmeies by himself, and without Lizzie to render him powerless, he would be able to dispose of them easily.

Hope caught sight of him before he did. Clad in a long black coat, he definitely looked the part of evil ancient vampire. Hope had come in what she always wore- But of course, her current wardrobe had drastically changed from what she had been in when she had last seen him. Crimson red shirt, black leather jacket and black jeans. Along with the platform boots she had compelled herself from a shopkeeper in Virginia.

In the middle of the road, Klaus Mikaelson froze. He had just received a feeling he hadn't felt in two years, and that had been on the night that...

His gaze met hers. She was staring back at him expectantly. He couldn't read her emotions, which was very strange, indeed; He was one thousand years old and had become adept at sensing feelings a long time ago.

"We need to talk," she spoke. She knew he would hear her even though there was an entire road of loud cars and buses separating them. "Now."

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