Chapter 9

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I shoved my hands in the pockets of my windbreaker and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from bursting into maniacal laughter. Over the weekend, I hadn't been able to stop envisioning Russia's face when I had revealed my intentions; it was as if his worst fear had come true.

Of course, the whole bathroom scene was hilarious to me. The way he had reacted was a bit unexpected, but he definitely was confused when I started pushing my sexuality on him. It was all for show, but the way he had adapted had forced me to reveal my true intentions, and his fear after that had been more entertaining than any movie I've ever seen.

For that reason, I was almost anticipating when I'd see him next to watch how he would deal with this new onslaught of information. He was scheming, no doubt, and something about the prospect of him trying to beat me just made me want to double over in laughter.

Even though we technically were well matched, I'd always have the upper hand. Countries knew Russia was dangerous; they suspected him even. To them, I was some stupid burger loving fanatic that happened to get lucky when it came to war.

I shook my head, the fall wind combing through my hair as I did. Even though I didn't show it, their false assumptions made my blood boil. If they still hadn't noticed how often I was getting lucky, then I really was on a whole other level.

The only country who hadn't seemed to buy my act was Russia. North Korea was always on my case, but that was only because he didn't trust anyone. He hated me because he didn't like the way I governed my people so loosely, but that was up for me to determine, not him.

I adjusted my sunglasses to peer at the school, which slowly came into view as I continued my path down the sidewalk. UN's flag rippled violently as the wind picked up, a stark contrast to the stormy sky above. I frowned, the sky's opaque appearance reflecting on my mood.

"Hey, you okay?" Canada interrupted my thoughts and I snapped back to reality.

I tilted my head at him. "Yep," I grinned. "I'm just trying to remember if I had any homework or not," I laughed.

Canada shook his head. "Unbelievable. How do you manage to get good grades if you never do anything?"

I shrugged even though I knew the answer. "Who knows?"

I turned to him to meet his gaze, curious why he had decided to walk to school today. When I had time in the mornings, I opted to walk to school but Nada almost always took the bus with Ukraine. I tilted my head, eyeing him curiously.

"Why aren't you walking with Ukraine today?"

Canada's expression fell. "Well, she hasn't responded to any of my texts over this weekend," he admitted. "I hope she's okay."

"That's strange," I furrowed my brow, wondering why she wouldn't be answering Canada. They normally facetimed at least once or twice a day, whether it was under the guise of 'homework' or a 'project'.

Nada shrugged half-heartedly and kicked at the ground in agitation. I could tell that his hands were curled into fists inside his sweatshirt, and just like me, his eyes revealed exactly how he was feeling.


He looked up.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's okay," I assured him. "Who knows, she might just have had plans this weekend." I nudged him with my shoulder. "Trust me, sometimes girls just need alone time."

He sighed, nodding despite his clear dejection. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Meri," he smiled at me, and the sight made my chest warm.

"Anytime," I slapped him on the shoulder and he shook his head, thankfully still smiling. "Hey, what do you say we take another trip to the cabin this afternoon? I'll let you teach me how to whittle," I pressed.

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