Chapter 12

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A few painstaking hours later, we finally arrived. I practically shoved America from my lap, my legs having gone numb under his continuous weight.

Canada glared at me as I did so, but I met his bitter gaze with a stony look of my own. His jaw clenched and I allowed myself the courtesy of smirking smugly. His brows drew downward, his fists balling as he leaned forward. I squashed down my desire to come at him with a similar energy, deciding that it'd be more practical to fight Canada once I was finished with America.

Speaking of America, he was standing outside the car, his hands positioned proudly upon his hips.

I rolled my eyes and clambered out of the car, stretching to my full height to relieve the tension in my muscles. When I opened my eyes, I caught America's head on a swivel, but he didn't look at me again.

A cool breeze filtered through the woodsy air, and I couldn't help but take a moment to breathe it in. I missed the snow back home, but the warmth was a nice change.

America's laugh shrilled though the peace, shattering the calmness I had just felt. He continued to talk and jest loudly with Ireland, Japan and the rest of them, so I took my opportunity to leave.. I hefted my bags over my shoulder and ventured down a dirt path, past a sign reading cabins.

If America was going to be stupid and hang back with his friends, I was going to make sure I'd get the best bunk in the cabin. I'd also get a chance to stash my notebook somewhere; I knew America would seize the opportunity to search my stuff if I was out.

Leaves crunched underneath my boots, the wind carrying the calls of birds and the scent of pinewood. I allowed myself a deep breath in, attempting to enjoy the peace before America inevitably ruined it.

I continued down the soiled path until I reached a circle of cabins, but after further investigation, I found that none of them had the number I was looking for: 11. I grumbled and continued to follow the path until I reached a separate circle, but these cabins were placed further apart.

I cocked a brow but continued to search for our cabin number. When I finally found it, I stomped through the door and flung my bags upon the ground, a collection of dust flurrying up from where I had dropped them.

I gritted my teeth.

They couldn't have at least bothered to dust the cabins before we arrived?

Sighing, I straightened to roll my shoulders back, and my head nearly hit the ceiling. Besides the cabin being entirely too small to fit me vertically, it was barely enough to fit two people. On top of it all, the only pieces of furniture were two small dressers and two tiny cots. It was like they were taunting me with how small they were.

I debated pushing the two together and leaving the floor for America, but I knew that he'd bitch about it, and I didn't feel like hearing it right now. Instead, I just pushed the cots further from each other.

I snatched the journal out of my backpack and hastily stuffed it underneath one of the mattresses before plopping down on the one closest to the window. Just as I was getting comfortable, I heard loud cackling outside the door.

My headache from the car ride returned in full force.

Seconds later, America burst into the cabin, his usual shit-eating grin plastered on his hideous face. I glowered at him from my spot on the cot, arms crossed behind my head. If he noticed me glaring, his response surely didn't indicate it.

"Hey Russia." He smiled warmly at me and the strange show of friendliness made my stomach sick.

"You can drop the facade now that no one's around," I bit out, not bothering to play nice now that there wasn't anyone else around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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