Man on Neptune

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I was lost in a new space when it dawned that everything's changed,
Hit by a close eclipse the skies were dark as I disappeared into my rocket ship.
The drifting seas of space conformed levitating this ship forward, looking down and around at what was under me.
My hull scraped away from the invisible vacuum of space,
wrapping around a familiar planet I Felt ever so stranded.
Landing down with Terminus 1 that was yet again done.
Coming to be a fabled space cadet;
I've fallen back into the pit of hell from which I've escaped,
The skies were still blue when I left but the barren wasteland remained the same.

Saila's Log Entry #6

"I've come from sector C-17, in other wards known as "Earth B-19" , in search of the planet 'Neptune', hoping to see what's finally on the other side. Seeing that twisted blue planet coming up. I could only say that while wanting to see every thought we had was wrong.I was hoping something was under those cold clouds pass the murky ground. Wondering could there be something on the inside within underground.. "

Floating by;
a ship in the distance shears the blue sky, Making Its way down the ship made no sound.
Hovering above icy surfaces the geysers make tension appearing to resurface.
While my spacesuit gets eroded from the gas clouds...
swimming around Feeling this gravity hold me tenfold,
man down.

Covered by an indigo hue,
I'm closely surrounded by neptunes views.
Removing my helm of virtue seeing what i thought through it couldn't be true,
I've comeback to find you,
Willingly taken my emotions into review with this new found growth
I started anew.

Saila's Log Entry #7

"My hull ended up being scrapped by the vacuum of space with the recent asteroid field I ran into getting here. Issues with my terminal earlier with "Zene" on the intercom with another analysis. Thought I was going to be stranded at first...lost in space; what a thought to have.
Terminus-1 was supposed to be taking me to another planet but the course was changed after I was hit. The damage under my chassis was severe enough for me to stop and fix it. The outside felt so cold but everything was so empty when I looked forward, Earth was so beautiful from afar it felt like i was dreaming. A little space man in a space suit that was me.. "Saila Morrow" out fixing my ship before it all ends. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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