Dark Choco arrived to his home and went straight to the dinner table with already all the food and his two fathers ",good night Father, Papa," Dark Choco said very politely and sit on his chair while Pure vanilla was smiling and Dark Cacao still on a face of unbelievable thing, it was strange seeing that expression on a cold and serious person like his father ",what's the matter father?," Dark Choco said drinking some of his wine ",I heard you got a pretty girl around town...," Dark Cacao spoke ",and?," Dark Choco keep drinking his wine a bit ",was it the son of Ms. Liava no? As far I can remember she didn't have two kids, she had a son, I quiet impressive you like his son and take him a wife," Dark Choco said, now Dark Choco was suffocating on his wine in shock, Pure Vanilla had to help his step son ",cao! I told you to be careful with that information!," pure vanilla was a bit pissed ",I know- but he asked for it," Dark Choco said.
",well- uh- we are something and- uh- since the thing for my marriage was do, uh- she had to option to do the whole competition," Dark Choco explained to his father ",son.. you should've told me before the whole thing, now there's no going back, our ancestors already agree and the court too," Dark Cacao said ",I know, that's why she'll compete on the competition," Dark Choco sighs looked another way and noticed some unfamiliar ",uhm... papa? Are you okay, your hands are a bit dark... and your belly seems a bit big," Dark Choco said ",oh? Ohh- well is normal i guess, is just some sudden things that happen... and I want for some reason some pork ribs with sweet BBQ and smash potatoes," Pure vanilla said out of nowhere and the maid served him the food and he started to eat like a smiling little kid enjoying a delicious plate while Dark Cacao and Dark Choco was looking Pure vanilla eat that much ",dad... don't you think he might be... pregnant?," Dark Choco whisper on his Father ears, now Dark Cacao was the one choking on his wine ", you think?...," Dark Cacao was stunned ",yeah....," Dark Choco said ",Nilla- you can eat later, you're coming with me mf-," Dark Cacao stood and walked towards Pure Vanilla and carry him like a princess going out of the dining room ", Waaaaah! I didn't finished either start the other plate!," pure vanilla cried out.
Dark Choco sighs and asked for more wine after he finished eating when Dark Cacao arrived again ",so- i am having a third sibling?," Dark Choco asked ",no.. nilla refused again and like he always did, he got stressed and again the curse," Dark Cacao sighs and sit back down ",how rare... he wasn't like that wasn't he?," Dark Choco said ",nope... actually after all this events and the ones that we're facing now got him on certainly point for him, and especially the curse of the unnamed spell," Dark Cacao said drinking wine ",you mean the one that he did that even put him on a death with auntie White lily? Aka Dark enchantress?," Dark Choco was still remembering that day ",yeah...," Dark Cacao said ",so... the protection is on close right? Why don't we get all together the army's to improve the forces around the kingdoms and spreed it around near and know areas she might probably be?," Dark Choco suggest while thinking ",that's what I did, but sadly it wouldn't be enough without your step dad magic or White lily... some warriors have been truly injured and some from the war couldn't even get enough time to heal, neither for them to get stronger by the past wars.... but there's only one I could take for," Dark Cacao said placing his Cup of glass away ",talk with Hollyberry once more to get on a meeting to certainly people to discuss sooner enough," Dark Cacao said ", you mean on a meeting with CH.I The council of Heroes?! Dad are you crazy?!!," Dark Choco said ",even if I don't wish to go, I have too... you will do it too when you become king, and spen in a room of meeting of them for like 78 hours to business in there," Dark Cacao explain ",more reasons to regret my decision of becoming a king," Dark Choco said drinking more wine.
Dark Choco went to his room after and locked the door and windows a bit to lay down on bed facing the ceiling, he sighs and cover his face with his hands and pass it through his hair ",.... fucking skinny ghost....," Dark Choco said quietly and slightly blush appeared when he got flashed by his memory of what happen on the evening when he saw licorice so different ",wait-... come on choco... you already did a deal, remember... you don't want any love relationship, just your heir, the people to shut about a marriage, and that's all...," he sighs.
Dark Choco couldn't stop thinking about few things until he noticed something on his desk and grabbed it. It was a letter from his now younger Brother, he opened it and found a bracelet with unique crystal, he carefully read the letter bit by bit-.
'To my Dear brother!
Hello! I hope you're doing well with king stuffs! I had a lot of fun this weekend since I left! I miss you big brother! And I hope you like the bracelet I made you, I found it into a unique cave I found with my friends when we went on a project of magic and accidentally.. I fall straight with Pancakes on a tiny lake, but we're fine! Or that's what I think- it was Pancakes fault since he grabbed me when he fall down and I did the same thanks to him- I hope with joy in my heart you will do amazing things as well!! Don't forget about me!! Take care!-with love, Custard! ♡☆☆'
Dark Choco smiled at this and grab a paper to write down his answer about his young brother letter.
'To My young Brother
I'm doing well, I'm happy you send me letters through your journey with your friends and your way to become yourself the greatest king. I hope you are indeed good after you just wrote that you fall down at some lake, and I'm thankful of your bracelet you made for me, I love it, after all we miss you too, have fun at the academy and get good! We'll meet you again when you turn 18 or 17, by then please take care of yourself okay?-with love and joy Dark Choco◇◇
Dark Choco finished writing and place a few figures on it, since it was a way they send each other letters like a sibling fun thing, he sighs and give the letter to a maid to send it as soon as possible in the morning and got back to bed, he look closely at the bracelet and place it on his side to yawn and fall asleep.. he still wondering about licorice and now his brother, but at least he is okay.
still in love after war
Fiksi Penggemarhello! this is my second book I ever did! this continued part after the dark war that separated this two (dark cacao and pure vanilla) back each other- maybe married with kids? the logic of how is the 1 book of lily idea about this- enjoyed! If you...