Just A Regular Saturday

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It was another amazing Saturday night. I was at Colson's house. After shows he usually throws a party. Colson, YUNGBLUD,and my band are all on tour together. "Let's listen to music!" Dom yells. "Okay,okay. How a out Candy?" I ask. They all nod. We all sing-a-long. At almost the end of the song Colson receives a phone call. So, I turn down the music. For him to hear. "Hey, man" "Yeah" "My place" "15?" "Okay" "See you then bro, bye." He ends the call. "Who was that Babe?" Meg asks. "Pete. He's on his way." Colson answers. "Okay ,yay! Jor hasnt got to meet him yet!" She exclaims as she wraps her arm around my shoulder. Mine around her waist. "Oh, Jor you'll love him. He the man,man" Colson says. "Alright, enough talk LETS GO SWIM!" Dom excitedly says. Wr all agree,and put our bathing suits. I put on mine (At top of page). We were all having such a good time. "So, Jor. How are you and Alex doing?" Meg asks. "We broke up like a month ago" I laugh taking a sip of my Peach Belini. "Oh, I'm sorry Jor" She says with sadness in her eyes. "Trust me dont be. Glad that son of a bitch is out of my life." I smile. "YOU GO GIRL!" She smiles. I giggle. "You ladies looked like you needed a refill" I hear an unfamiliar voice say. As my eyes dart up. "Thanks, Pete. This is Jordyn. The bassist for The RoadKillers." Meg introduces us. "Hey, Jordyn. I'm Pete. Nice to meet ya." He gives a genuine smile. Holy shit. That smile. "Nice to meet you too,Pete. Call me Jor for short." I smile back. Taking the drink he brought for me and Meg. "I'm gonna run to get my trunks on and be right back." He says smiling walking away. Oh,my god. Wow. Is all that comes to mind after that smile. "All right who wants shots?" Dom asks. "Me!" I say along with Meg. Dom brought us some. Then pete came back out with his trunks on. We all congregated around the pool. "Alright everybody.CHEERS!" Colson cheers as we all clink our red solo cup shot classes. We chug it down. I couldnt helo but cough. "Jesus, what did you put in these?" I ask trying not to cough up a lung. "Tequilla" Dom answers. "I can tell" I say hoarse. Everyone laughs. "LAST ONE IN THE POOL IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Pete yells. Dom grabs me putting me over his shoulder. As Colson does the same to Meg. Jumping in. We all reach the surface, and try to see who was last. "Well? Who was last?" I ask. "Me" Pete giggles. We all laugh. " Oh my god. We should so play chicken!" Meg suggests. "Sounds good to me. How bout you Jor?" Pete asks. "Sure" I say. "You guys know the rules?" Colson asks. " Yes." We all say but Dom. "I'll sit out to watch, then I'll play next roud" Dom says. "Looks like it's just us, Jor. If that's okay with you. I get it if it's not. We just met after all." Pete says kinda awkwardly. "Oh it's fine. It's not like my legs havent been around a guy before" I joke. We all laugh. "Okay in three I'll go under and you get on my shoulders. " Pete says as he gets in front of me. "Okay" I smile. "1,2,3" He says taking a big breath. Then going under the water. He helps me get my legs in place. Keeping a tight grip on each other he lifts himself out of the water. As Colson and Meg do the same. "Okay guys. You ready?" Meg ask. "I am if you are Pete" I smile down at him. "Yep,I'm ready" He smiles back. "1,2,3 GO!" Dom says excitedly. My hands automatically lock with Megs as we try to push each other. She almost tips me over when she grabs my shoulder. But I counter it. Pushing her even harder. She went splashing into the water. "WOO-HOO!" Pete exclaims. "YEAH!" I say happily. Colson, and Meg emerge from the water absolutely drenched. Wr couldnt help but laugh. "You look like a bunch of wet dogs" Dom cackles. Colson flips him off, causing us to laugh even more. "Alright round two!" Colson says. "I said I'd join in on round two. But, it is way more fun watching" Dom smiles. "Alright 1,2,3!" Colson yells. I went right for her shoulder. Great tactic. I was pushing, and pushing. Until Pete aceidentally slipped, and we went tumbling down. We both emerge from the water. "What even happened?" Dom says in between laughing hysterically. "I slipped" Pete laughs. A few hours go by. Of karaoke, swimming, smoking, and drinking go by. I was staying here with them until our next stop. "Oh man this was so much fun!" Colson smiles. "That it was" I smile as well. "Pete are you staying the night?" Meg asks. "Uhm yeah sure. Why not" He replies. "Okay there plenty of room" Meg smiles. "Alright ,loves I'm about to fall out" Dom says standing yawning. "Okay! Sleep well"  I smile at him. "Night" Meg says "Gnight" Colson says. "Goodnight,man" Pete says. "Alright how bout another joint before bed?" I say doing the eyebrow thing. "Yeah, sounds good" Colson says. I got the honors of making our joints. I caught Pete staring at me out of the corner of my eyes. I couldnt help but bloch a tad. How could someone so handsome. Wanna look at something like me? I finished rolling them. One for Cole and Meg, and one for Pete and I. Wr lit them and started puffing away.  We were joking around with each other. My head was placed on Meg's lap. "Alright, Meg. Bedtime" Colson yawns loudly. "Okay"  she says as I remove my head from her lap. "Night guys" They smile. "Night" I smile. "Night" Pete says as well. I lean my head back on the couch. Enjoying my high. "So, Jor. Tell me about yourself." Pete says. "Well theres really not much to say. I'm just a small town girl. Who somehow made something of herself." I chuckle. "There is more to you than that. Theres more to the story than what's on the page." He says. "Did you seriously just quote the Lorax?" I laugh. "Yes, yes I did." He laughs too. "Well I always love bass. One day I finally said fuck it and decided to take lessons. Now here we are" I say. "That's cool. What else are you into?" He asks. "I race, and repair cars. On my free time. It's also been a life long passion. I thought that would end up being my life long career. Until you know we got our break." I say. "That's really cool. Not alot of women in that feild" He genuinely seems interested. First time in a long time. That I've enjoyed talking to someone. Well beside my bandmates , Meg, Colson, and Dom. "Yeah." I smile. "So where are you from?" He asks. "Kentucky" I answer. "Oh, you were right small town." He laughs. "Yeah. Born and raised." I smile. We talked forever getting to know each other. It was awesome. Hes so relatable. And easy to talk to. I ended up falling asleep. I felt arms around me which alarmed me. My head snapped up with confusion. "Sorry, didnt mean to wake you up" Pete says with a sincere look on his face. " Its okay" I smile half asleep. He had picked me up bridal style. "Which room?" He asks. "I can walk you know" I giggle. "Oh, sorry" He was about to put me down. "Ha-ta-ta-ta" I stop him. "I kinda like it" I shyly say. JORDYM WTF DID YOU JUST DO YOU IDIOT. He just smiles and continues to the hall. "The last one on the right" I say. We reach my room and he drops me off at the door. "Thanks Pete" I say VERY embarrassed.  "No problem" he giggles. "Sleep tight Jor"  He smiles. "You too, Pete" I smile back. I see him walk away to his room which is right beside mine. Close the door. And, go to sleep.

*Authors Note*
Okay, heres the first chapter.  I hope you enjoy it. As much as I enjoyed writing it. Leave comments for other idea you have. Or and criticism youd like to leave. Bye!

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