Chapter 3: The Rise Of A New Enemy! Mechagodzilla Strikes!

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WARNING, BEFORE YOU READ: The following story contains spoilers for Godzilla Vs Kong. If you haven't seen the movie, I'd suggest you'd watch the movie before you read this story. If you have seen the movie, you may proceed with your reading experience

Previously on Healin' Good Precure: Graceful Prime

Chiyu: We want to thank you for saving us earlier.

Aaron: It has always been my pleasure

Hinata: I can't believe you encountered his ancestor!

Nodoka: I don't know how I still remember this... it feels all so surreal

Aaron: I'm just glad that those memories aren't completely since you've grown

Guaiwaru: Can't handle the pressure of the Byogen's super strength?

Cure Fontaine: Either you retreat, or we'll do it the hard way.

Aaron: Guardian Cha- AH!

Cure Earth: The malfunction is getting out of hand...

Aaron: You and I are destined for something more.... I-I....want to protect you

Nodoka: I feel the same way

Asumi: Can you detect anything right now?

Micron: I'm detecting another Byogen in my scanners!

Hinata: We have to stop him before he succeeds

Now, we continue the battle 

Daruizen: he snapped his fingers, summoning a Megabyogen

Megabyogen: MEGABYOGEN!!! he smashes one of the trees

Aaron: grunts in pain

Chiyu: Micron, stay here and look after Aaron. We will handle this.

Micron: I'll be sure to clean his injuries

Hinata: It's this way! Come on! grabs Nodoka's hand

Nodoka: Slow down, Hinata!

Chiyu: Why do you always leave without me?

Asumi: follows the three

Daruizen: Ahhhh, there you are~

Hinata: Enough with your games, Daruizen. Your kind has done enough damage already. 

Daruizen: Ohhhh I just got started.

Megabyogen: MEGABYOGEN!!

Quartet: they manage to transform on time

Unbeknownst to them, a Nanobyogen passed through a random rift

Megabyogen: MEGABYOGEN!!

Cure Fontaine: Let's go, Sparkle!

Cure Sparkle: Yeah! jumps in and begins attacking the Megabyogen

Cure Fontaine: Ha! begins combatting

Megabyogen: MEGA!!

Daruizen: Well, look who we have here. jumps to Grace How are you, Cure Grace?

Cure Grace: Don't you dare go anywhere near me. holds her healing stick

Daruizen: smirks and lunges to her

Cure Grace: dodges

Daruizen: OW! crashes into a tree

Cure Earth: Nice save!

Cure Fontaine: misses a kick What the-!

Megabyogen: laughing at Fontaine's miss

Cure Sparkle: she shoots at the Megabyogen's arm

Megabyogen: EYOUCH!!!

Cure Sparkle: I hope your muscles are on fire after that. Literally!

Cure Fontaine: Thanks Sparkle, I owe you smiles

Daruizen: shakes his head Oh, you wanna play this game? We might as well do it the hard way, wilted flower.

Cure Grace: I wish avoiding you was an option. You make me sick by just looking at you.

Meanwhile, back in Hong Kong, after Kong's eventual defeat from his rival Alpha Titan, Godzilla continued to storm the city of Hong Kong in his search for Ghidorah's bioacoustic signals. But when the Titan realized that something was wrong, he proceeds to investigate the strange occurrence in the facility. While he makes his way to the facility, Godzilla angrily stares at the destruction caused by the malfunctioning Mechagodzilla. After the two Titans roar at each other, they charge each other as a heated battle begins. Now we cut back to the battle at Sukoyaka City.

Megabyogen: MEGA!!! charges to the girls

Cure Grace: Flower element! shoots at the Megabyogen

Megabyogen: gets hit OW!

Cure Fontaine: Water element! splashes at him

Megabyogen: BLEGH! PFFFT!! spluttering the water

Cure Sparkle: Light element! shoots at his eyes, temporarily blinding him

Megabyogen: Whoa! Whoa! Ahhhh!! falls down

Daruizen: Come on! Get up!!

Cure Sparkle: What's wrong, Daruizen? Are you losing your cool? You already look like a moving iced statue. Hehehe!

Daruizen: ...  How dare you trigger me like this!! charges to her

Cure Sparkle: fights with Daruizen

Megabyogen: gets up and charges to the girls

Cure Fontaine: Ice element! freezes the Megabyogen on his feet

Megabyogen: MEGA!!

Cure Sparkle: she jumps high in the air and kicks the Megabyogen's stomach

Megabyogen: Ow... kneels

Cure Fontaine: Sparkle, let's try to combine our attack

Cure Sparkle: nods

Cure Grace: I know exactly what you are thinking. smirks

Aaron: he feels the trembling Something's wrong....

Quartet: But before they could shoot, they feel something underneath their feet

Daruizen: What in the world...?

Megabyogen: Uh-oh...

Mechagodzilla: comes out of the ground and roars

Cure Sparkle: EH?! What the heck is that?!

Daruizen: gasps Megabyogen! Retreat!

Megabyogen: he instead falls on top of Daruizen, nearly crushing his tail

Daruizen: OW!

Cure Fontaine: looks at Mechagodzilla

Mechagodzilla: grabs the Megabyogen and throws it away

Megabyogen: HEALING GOODBYE!!! he is thrown away, slowly disintegrating on its own

Mechagodzilla: its eyes blink as he was responding to Daruizen

Daruizen: seeing Mechagodzilla getting rid of the Megabyogen and quickly runs away

Cure Sparkle: That's right! Run away, demon! sticks her tongue

Cure Fontaine: Uhhh... Sparkle?

Mechagodzilla: shoots its proton scream at Fontaine and Sparkle

Cure Fontaine: Look out! dodges

Cure Sparkle: jumps

Cure Grace: looks terrified

Cure Earth: stands in front of Grace Who are you and what are you doing here?!

Mechagodzilla: cackles at Earth

Cure Earth: Air element! shoots her attack to him

Mechagodzilla: gets pushed back

Cure Earth: How dare you mock our power 

Mechagodzilla: smashes Earth with a Byogen enhanced energy attack

Cure Earth: Huh?!

Cure Sparkle: That doesn't make any sense!

Cure Fontaine: Cure scan! she scans Mechagodzilla A Nanobyogen?

Cure Grace: But how did it get all the way there?

Cure Sparkle: No clue...

Mechagodzilla: fires missiles from its back

Cure Sparkle: Not again! dodges

Cure Fontaine: It came out of nowhere!

Mechagodzilla: turns its attention to the forest, where Aaron was hidden

Cure Grace: shoots at Mechagodzilla Don't move!

Mechagodzilla: smacks Grace with its tail 

Cure Grace: Ahh!

Cure Fontaine: catches Grace I got you!

Cure Grace: sighs Thanks...

Micron: shakes Aaron Come on, you have to get up!

Mechagodzilla: smashes everything in its path

Cure Sparkle: Shoot! It's on its way to the forest!

Micron: Get up, master Aaron!

Aaron: he slowly gets up

Cure Grace: The forest! And Aaron is still there!

Cure Fontaine: This is not good!

Cure Sparkle: What do we do now?!

Aaron: Kh.....N-No....

Mechagodzilla: is about to smash Aaron, but...

Aaron: Not another step! He uses the last of his power to block its attack

Quartet: The girls reach the forest area to the block

Cure Grace: Aaron! Please be careful!

Cure Earth: Dang it... that's the last of his power...

Aaron: grunts as he struggles to focus his power

Mechagodzilla: continues to smash the forcefield

Cure Fontaine: We have to help him! shoots at Mechagodzilla

Cure Sparkle: does the same

Mechagodzilla: still continuing to break the forcefield by shooting missiles at the other two

Cure Fontaine: dodges

Cure Sparkle: Whoa!

Aaron: A-ARGH! his bracelet starts to tear apart

Cure Grace: shoots at Mechagodzilla Stay away from him!

Mechagodzilla: shrugs off the shots and still smashes the forcefield

Cure Earth: Why isn't anything working?!

Cure Fontaine: His brace!

Mechagodzilla: uses its Byogen energy to shatter his forcefield

Aaron: AAAHHHH!!! He gets knocked out by the impact

Cure Grace: AARON!!

Cure Fontaine: What have you done...?

Mechagodzilla: screeches


Cure Sparkle: How dare you!!

Cure Fontaine: removes the damaged brace from his wrist

Mechagodzilla: blasts the Cures with its proton scream

Quartet: AHHHH!!!! the girls got knocked down

Latte: Woof! Woof! looks scared

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