[Ch. 4] 18/06/12

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It was still early in the morning when Kageyama suddenly awoke from a surging pain through most of his torso and arm. He looked wearily around the room for a few seconds before recognising the layout from the previous night.

The setter looked to his side, eyeing up the ginger that he had managed to get tangled up with throughout the night. He was sprawled out with a leg and arm atop the raven-haired boy, his breaths leaving a warm patch on the younger boy's chest which rose up and fell in sync with Hinata's.

Kageyama chose to ignore the burning sensation that spread across his face and opted to, instead, shove the other off of him with as much care as he could manage.

He left the bed with a small whimper, the loss of warmth taking more out of him than he thought it would. The empty feeling in him didn't subside during his shower or when he found Sugawara in the kitchen downstairs.

'Oh. Morning, Kageyama!' He walked into the kitchen, and to the small island that Sugawara stood behind.

'..Morning.' The younger boy recoiled hearing just how groggy his voice still sounded.

Sugawara stopped what he was doing to look at Kageyama. He thought for a second before talking. 'You okay?'

'Yeah, just not used to waking up around people..' His thumb made circles on his hand as he stared down at them. 'Anything I can help with..?'

The elder happily incorporated Kageyama into the activity: showing the boy what he was making and how to help. They were almost finished preparing breakfast when their silence was interrupted.

'Morning!' Both setters turned to meet the owner of the voice: Kageyama's lips curving into a small smirk as his chest filled with the same heat he had felt when he woke up. 'What 'cha making?'

A small, eager, ginger came running over trying to stand on his toes to see what the pair were making.

'Breakfast!' Sugawara smiled, his eyes squinting closed as he looked toward Hinata. 'Would you mind setting the table while we finish up?'

Hinata ran over to the dining table; a pile of table covers in his arms. He spent a few minutes silently deciding which to use, but when he finished, ran around aimlessly, opening every door and window Sugawara allowed him to.

Sawamura was the next to make his appearance in the kitchen, he looked around counting how much of the team was already here. 'Is no one else awake yet?' he asked, a shy smile spreading across his face upon seeing Sugawara.

'Nope. I was going to wake them up after finishing breakfast.'

The rest of the team made their way down after the captain had gone to wake them.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were first, followed by Shimizu and Yachi who helped Sugawara and Kageyama set out plates.

The last group to wake up were the five second years along with Azumane, who seemed to be getting dragged along by Nishinoya.

'Come on, Asahi!' The libero had taken one of Azumane's arms in his to drag him down the stairs, pushing past the other four boys.

The team finished breakfast and went out to the beach behind the house; Kageyama, however, was still in his and Hinata's room getting 'ready'. He was sitting on the floor with his bag opened out before him; its content spread out around it.

He sighed, grabbing the plastic bag he had got from the charity shop a few days prior and pulled out the old Karasuno shirt, eyeing it up. He shoved it to the bottom of his original bag along with the two books he had bought along the trip. He would have to keep them hidden from Hinata and hope the ginger won't find it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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