What's wrong with me?

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Tw: sexual assault, f slur

Charlie pov:
Nick had just left and I walked back to my room, hopefully in time to miss Tori, so I didn't have to talk about what was going on with me. As I reached my room and placed my hand on the door knob to turn it, I heard footsteps and I looked down to see Tori waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not going to make you talk about it now, because you need sleep. But in the morning tomorrow we are going to talk about this." Tori stated. I groaned and entered my room, I really didn't want to have to talk about it, because I can't. How am I supposed to explain what happened with Ben, and with school and with everything. It's just too much and I don't want to have to relive it again. I sat down on my bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had no new messages, so I turned it off and laid down, pulling the covers over me. How was I supposed to sleep when I had no time to. I closed my eyes and laid there, the room was silent. It was too silent. I got up and walked over to my drum kit, I would just play some music and then I'll go to bed after that, right? I placed the headphones over my ears and grabbed the drum sticks. I started to bang the sticks against the drums, only getting louder and more aggressive as time went on. Why was I so annoying, I shouldn't have the right to even exist. No one likes me, no one will ever like me. My arms started to cramp up and I saw a flash of light from the corner of my eye. I placed the sticks down, took off my headphones and walked over to the bedside table where my phone was. The screen light blinded me for a second as I turned it back on, and when my eyes adjusted I saw a notification from Instagram.

Nick_nzzzz has followed you!

Nick? I opened the app and went to his account, it was the real Nick Nelson. Why had he followed me? I followed him back and he immediately started to text me, my heart rate got faster. Was he going to tell me that it was all a prank and now he has my address to do god knows what? A message appeared on the screen and I closed my eyes before I could read it. I didn't want to have to read it but the curiosity won and I slowly opened my eyes to read the text.

Wasn't the whole reason I left your house because you needed sleep? Go to sleep Charlie.

A smile creeped onto my face, did he actually care about me? Or was there going to be a follow up text saying 'just kidding, fuck you' or something, my smile dropped. I waited a few seconds for the follow up text but it didn't come through, I thought about texting him back but what would I have said? So, I just turned my phone off and decided that maybe I should just go to sleep. It was only 3:00PM but the curtains in my room were closed, so it made the room dark. After around 20 minutes of just laying in my bed I actually fell asleep, for the first time in days.

I woke up and it was still dark outside, I checked the time on my phone and it read 5:30AM. Did I really just sleep for almost fourteen hours? I got off my bed, moving down onto the floor instead and checked my phone for notifications. There was a few from the group chat, so I read those first.

Lets have a movie night again tonight!

Sure, I'm not busy.


Charlie, you in?

He's probably busy Tao.

He hasn't sat with us all day as well.

I'm sure its fine.

I wanted to text back but it was early and no one would be awake, I'll just talk to the when we are at school. I then saw I had a lot of messages from Tao, so I decided to check them next.

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