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Before her he had no edges. Before her life was easy.Before her life had no meaning. He didn't understand a lot of the things he does now. Meeting her was the best thing that happened in his life. It was also the worst.Every one was was right because no matter what he did he still got cut. Cut on her broken glass....

To think it was a year ago he met her a year of truths, secrets and lies. She destroyed him, but she built him in the process. He had never met another confused being such as her in his life. She was always so sure yet she wasn't. She broke his heart and she fixed it with what he didn't even know was missing. He hadn't known how life was before her. It seems so distant,so faint,so meaningless such a waste of time and he knows she was always there in his heart and she will never ever leave. Our souls are bound. She brings out the best and worse in him, as does he to her .they have learnt from and taught each other. Life will never be the same without her.he hopes he will never have to find out.

Natalie's P.O.V

my shoes came into contact with the ground i was running,it seems that's all I do. I run away from love, run away from family ,from commitment and most of all from HIM. I don't need any more complications in my life. I know I'm a hard, cold,empty bitch but go tell some one who gives more than 10 cents worth of a damn. why can't he see if he stays around me too long he'll end up like the rest.thud thud thud and yet I'm still willing to drag him along side me. God I'm selfish. I feel my body turn around and it's on auto drive. My brain is no longer in control - my heart is as I run back to sacrifice my heart. I'm afraid to because I know I won't really be sacrificing my heart, I'll be swapping it. Heart of gold for cold heart of glass. Sucks to be him. Why oh why couldn't he run away while he had the chance? Why am it still running to him when I know it will kill him? My mind is fighting with my heart. I'm torn between the two. I don't know what to do so instead of making a decision I do the easiest thing possible; I sit down and have a cry.

From further down the road I hear a "BITCH" been yelled out I know it's directed at me and I know the voice so I wipe my tears and stand up looking up at the face before me. "ready" she asks I look at her puzzled "what?" "remember I said we would go to the clinic today?" Dumb ass I'd forgotten our appointment." Yeah,yeah i know " I lie as I make the way towards my car "lets do this shit"

hand in hand with Maddie as we make our way through the clinic. we go in to make a BIG decision in our lives.

Authors note:
Hey guys I know it's crap and it seems depressing but don't worry it will get better I promise.I'm hoping to make it pretty comedic and all. by the way I'm from New Zealand and I don't know. That much about our rival cousin Australia. *don't be fooled by ozzies 'cause a lot of them are kiwis no jokes that's why three so good looking I mean look at Calum. * thank for reading please vote and/or comment it would ale my day I know this authors note is long it won't always be ;) stay awesome ;)

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