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Note: I will make up some small characters and give them names that aren't in the game/show, but only small, they won't be a main part of the story.


I walked along the street. It was possibly 2am, it was rather silent and alot colder than it usually was in the daytime. However I was used to it.

My friends thought I was crazy for doing this every morning, but I just HAVE to get my morning malasada snacks!
Sneaking out is alot of fun! Gramps said I should stop going out because its dangerous and he tries preventing me from doing so, but when I start dreaming about my favourite snack at night I can't stop myself at all.

As I reached the Malasada shop I could already smell the sweetness. Around this time the shop was practically empty, it was rare for me to see people inside. However today, I could see inside there was one boy sitting, he looked upset.
I walked inside and walked to the front.

"Greetings Hau! I was expecting you," the person at the front - Ami - said. She was a very friendly person! She was always working at the night shifts. Over the many times I had came to get Malasadas we had became good friends and realised we had alot of things in common, even though shes around 5 years older than I am.

"Like always!" I laughed, "Annyways, I want the sweet Malasadas like usual pleaseeee!"
Ami chuckled, "Anything for a good friend and favourite customer, now go and take a seat!"
I nodded and sat down in front of the guy I saw before.
He had his face buried into his hoodie.
"hello!" I said
I seemed to have startled him but he looked up and mumbled, "oh, hi?"
"My name is Hau! what about you?"
He looked shocked and sat upright, he was quite confusing.
"My name is none of your business."
That was awfully strange.
"Why not?" I tilted my head to the side like a Rowlet.
"I'm uncomfy with it," he groaned.
"but whhyyyy? please telll"
He looked slightly angry, "I am not sharing my name with a stranger I Met at 2am in a Malasada shop!" the boy yelled.
He stood up and grabbed his bag of Malasadas, then stormed off outside.
"Awh man, he seemed cool!"
At that point Ami walked over and placed the Malasadas I bought on the table.
"Dont worry about him," she laughed, "he's also a regular, but he usually comes more around midnight."
I stared, "do you know his name?"
She shook her head, "He refuses to share his name to anybody, it's best to respect that."

I looked out the window and saw him leaning against a lamppost, texting somebody on his phone, I noticed he kept glancing over at me, but I pretended not to notice.

I ate a few Malasadas then took the bag. I waved to Ami as I walked out and headed back home.

I reached my house and as I grabbed the handle I was hit on the head, then everything fell dark.

Hours later I woke up in a room sat on a chair, I wasn't tied up but I was just there.
I looked around then saw the boy from the Malasada shop.
"YOU! why would you bring me here?" I yelled.
He stared, still having his hood up,
"Bosses orders, give me your dartrix and I'll let you free."
I sunk into my chair and turned pale, "NO! you can't take my partner that's been here with me since the start."

"Listen kid, you DONT have a choice. Either you give over that dartrix or you'll be stuck here and the boss will find some way to deal with you."
I started shaking as I grabbed the pokeball out of my pocket. I didn't want to be stuck here.
I released dartrix and hugged it, whispering,"I'll be back." then returned it to its pokeball and gave it to the person.
He stared and looked grumpy then took me outside and locked the door.

I stood shaking and knew what I had to do.
My friends have dealt with this before.
They can help

I started sprinting down the pathway and I bumped into a few people on the way. I then bumped into a blonde haired girl wearing a white dress and with a bag.
I sighed with relief and stood up not realising the tears that had been running down my face.

"Lillie!" I cried.
"Oh Arceus! Hau what happened?!" Lillie said sounding worried.
"S-somebody wearing a grey hoodie who seemed to be a part of team skull took dartrix from me!" I wiped my eyes trying to calm down
"Let's get Moon and Sun and we can figure this out together!" She grabbed my hand and started pulling me along.
Then, in an alleyway, I saw the boy.
I whispers to Lillie, "shh stop! I see the person"
I started leading her towards him and he noticed us. I let go of Lillies hand and started sprinting after him.
I grabbed his hood and pulled it down which made him freeze In his tracks as he hurriedly tried to pull his hood back up.
He had light blonde hair the same as Lillies.
That was also when Lillie caught up and saw the boy, gasping.
They both stared at eachother for a moment.
They both yelled at the same time

I stood there confused, "You know eachother?"
They both nodded.
"Brother give my friend back his Dartrix!"

I stood shocked, BROTHER?

"L-lillie- but-I- ngh- FINE!" The boy - Gladion - Yelled.
He got out the pokeball and handed it over to me, then mumbled something we both heard.
"How am I meant to get money from the boss now.." I sighed, "All I'm gonna get is a slap."

I stared at him then angrily grabbed his hand. "You aren't going back to team skull."

"then how am I meant to make money to stay at my motel?" He questioned
I stared, "Stay at mine!"
"Do your parents even think it would be okay? And this doesn't mean I'm coming anyways"
I smiled, "My gramps never minds anybody coming if it's a good reason, he's the Kahuna after all!"

"Oh, well I'm not coming then."
I frowned, "Why not."
"I'm part of team skull, he'd never accept me in his home."
"Your not anymore!"
I heard Lillie laughing the looked at her and looked at Gladions hilariously concerned, terrified and shocked expression.
He shook his head, "I'm not going and shut up, stop laughing!"

I shrugged my shoulders and dragged him along to My house.
I looked at the Malasadas that were on the floor that I had dropped earlier.
I turned ree with anger, "YOU OWE ME SOME MALASADAS LATER!"
"fuck off" he mumbled
I gasped, "that's a bad word!"
"I don't care."

I dragged him to my gramps room and told him about why Gladion was here, he nodded and said it was fine.

I then dragged him to my room.
"Your stuck here for now!"
Gladion rolled his eyes and sighed.

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