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I sighed, couldn't believe I was stuck here with some annoying malasada obsessed kid. If it weren't for Lillie I wouldnt be here and I would've gotten away with that Dartrix!

But I guess I shouldn't blame her for trying to protect her friend.

I also got a horrible night's sleep.
This green haired child has been clinging onto me all night long and I'm so tired.
That was when he woke up and yawned.
"Morrninggg" he yawned.
I stayed silent and rested my head back against the pillow.

I then felt him stroking my hair, "How do you get your hair so soft?"
I pushed him off of me and he rolled onto the floor.
"Don't touch me!"
I heard him groan as he hit the floor, "That hurttt!" he whined as he rubbed his back.

Hopefully I actually knocked some sense into him.
I let out a small laugh.
Hau looked angry but amazed, "that laugh was adorable."
I gave him a deathstare, "shut it"

"Arceus! Why are you so rude!" Hau yelled genuinely looking angry, he then sat on the floor and started sobbing.

I looked at him, thinking about how pathetic he was and I should just leave him alone, but, I got a strange feeling.
I stared and for the first time in years I felt guilt and upset for somebody.

I shook my head and sat there looking away but taking small glances at him. That was until I couldn't anymore and I sat down next to him and patted his back, "look, I'm sorry oka-"

I was cut off as he jumped at me and hugged me laughing, "TRICKED YOU!"
I turned bright red with rage, "YOU ASSHOLE."
Hau just sat there giggling until tears formed in his eyes and he was gasping for air.
It took him a few minutes to calm down.
"I really don't see how it was that funny." I said, very concerned.
"Well it was, to me." Hau laughed.

I stood up and realised something, "Shit I didn't bring a spare change of clothes."

Hau stared, "you can wear mine!"
My cheeks flushed red for a moment then it went away, "No no Im fine I can just go to my motel later and get my things."
"Let's go now! I'm going to get a Malasada on the way there!" Hau said proudly as he went into the bathroom and began changing.

I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes feeling relaxed.
A few minutes passed.
"Hellooo Gladion are you awake?"
I felt arms around me and I opened my eyes to see Hau clinging onto me and looking up at my face.
I turned red and started sweating and pushed him off, "Give me some personal space atleast!" I yelled as I calmed down.
"oops- sorry Gladsy"
I stared, "Don't you even dare call me that ever again"

I stepped forward and walked out of the room, then out of the house.
I began walking along and Hau had to come up to me and cling onto my arm as we walked along.
I knew he was clingy though.
I had seen him around with his other friends and he seemed really clingy.

We both didn't talk until he brought up "why were you with team skull"
I stayed silent for a minute.
"I ran way from my mother and the boss took me in, I had to do stuff to earn money."

"And you didn't feel bad about it?" he questioned.
"Nope, still don't feel bad, it's what I gotta do if I wanna live in this cruel hell hole of a world." I said with no expression.
"Wow that's mean! So you didn't care about me or my Dartrix?" He yelled.
I stayed silent and looked away, "I-uh-I, ofcourse I-I didn't!"
"I don't believe you" Hau said with a smirk, "your stuttering, plus you gave me it back when you could've simply just ran off."
I pulled my hood up and hid my face.
"I didn't want to seem really bad in front of my sister, she always cared for me, I don't want to be hated by everybody." I mumbled.
"I don't hate you" Hau said with a smile.
"Well at that time I didn't know," I yelled, "my mother was an abusive fucker, her workers were also pieces of shit and Lillie was the only one who cared and I didn't want to lose her!"
I stared, then looked away, "sorry about that."
Hau looked with a sad expression, "Oh, I'm, so sorry that happened,"
I saw the malasada shop and shook Hau off my arm.
"The malasada shop is over there," I pointed as we gradually got closer.

As we got the step Hau tried to drag me inside but I pulled away, he was strong for sure.
"What is it?" Hau questioned.
"You go inside and get whatever I'm going to go and get my stuff from the motel"

Hau nodded and I watched him go inside, then I slowly walked towards the Motel. I got my keys and entered the room, packing up all my clothes and special things in a big bag. A photo, my clothes, my pokeballs and basically anything I had brought. Afterwards I took a step outside and began walking back to the Malasada shop.

I stepped inside and sat down in front of Hau, he definitely looked surprised as he was sat on his phone munching on a malasada when I was entering.
He looked up at me and smiled. I didn't smile back though.
"I got some Malasadas! Do you want someee?" Hau said with a big smile.
"What type?" I asked
I sighed, "I'm not a fan of sweet stuff."
"But I only got sweet malasadas.." Hau frowned, "try one for me please?"
I knew he would stop asking so I sighed and took one, then bit into it.
I saw his big adorable smile.

I stared in shock, woah, it was amazing?!
"This is, actually really nice."

Hau yelled, "YAY!"
I laughed a little and finished the Malasada.
"Now how much sweet stuff have you not tried, I'm going to force you to try them all."
I stared with a terrified look but I started listing down stuff I haven't tried.
The more there were the more he looked at me as if I were crazy.

There were alot more but I decided to stop and pretend that was it as I had already listed 22 things.
I stood up and sighed.
Hau also stood up and started eating Malasadas as we walked along.
"I know where to get everything!" Hau giggled.

"Oh!" he realised, "I'm gonna add you to a group chat me and my friends are in!"
I shrugged my shoulders, "okaay."

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