Chapter 1

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I just realized some people are dead in the series of Gotham so I'm gonna bring them back.


Selina was the reading the letter Bruce left for her when there was a flash of light coming through her way. Alfred and Bruce was having their final moments together before Bruce leaves when there was glad of light came upon them. For the rest of Gotham characters and the ones that are dead flash of light also came upon them.

The flash of light transported them to the dark place. One by one woke up and look around their surroundings. "What the heck is this place?" Said Bruce looking around his surroundings finding Alfred, Selina and Jim Gordon. Selina saw him, went up to him slap him. " Why did you leave Gotham, leave me!" Yelled Selina. "It was for the best for Gotham. Till I know how to save Gotham." Reaped Bruce.

" Alright, Alright one thing for sure is why am I seeing dead people." Harvey Bullock said scared. Everyone was yelling at each other, some even start fighting. (There's to many character for them to write dialogue) I pop up around the curtain and blow an air horn to make them stop of whatever they were doing.

" Hi, Yes I can explain what is going on here. I brought you here to see the future goth YaY!!" I exclaim happily. " what are we doing here, I have kingdom to rule over." Said penguin. " Can you kindly Shut your penguin lips up Thank you very much anyways to why you guys are here to show you the future of Gotham, it's citizen, and a certain family."

"Ooh really, I would like to know what kind Gotham of is hehehe" laugh Jerome. ( Tbh Jerome was my favorite character. He was so funny and I was sad when he died)

"I have an question?" Asked bruce. I look over to Bruce and said yes to him. " why did you say a certain family?" Asked Bruce again. " Would like to know brucey." I smiled, " alright on to the videos."

I press play and video started it up.


Alright here we are
The first chapter is up
Sorry this took wayyyy to long
I hope you like it
What do you think?

I watch The Batman when it first came out on HBO max and I have to say I loved it and I can't wait for the next one.

Sorry for the poorly grammar I'll fixed it later.

See you later on next chapter.

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