Chapter 2

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[ Ave Maria starts to play in the background and suddenly we the POV of someone using the binoculars.]

"Someone is about to be killed"
"You got that right "

[As the person using the binoculars , there's he's y breathing coming for him. ]

[ in the background there are wails of police cars possibly chasing someone down as always. He goes past people on the street and many things, till he gets settle a building before him. He's looking inside the building and a boy in a red ninja costume comes into view]

[ the boy in the red ninja costume pretends fight a man, it's seems like his father, pretend to kill him and goes to picks Halloween bag and leave with his mom. His father gets up and ask for hug to son which gets one. The boy leaves with mom leaving father alone. ]

They all smiled at boy playing with his father. Well some of them. Bruce slightly smiled as he remember the play fights with father.

[ The screen goes next to inside of the man's house. The man turns on the t.v and switch to the CG-1 news channel and the proceed to pour himself a drink.
News jingle play on TV

Women: Good evening and welcome to CG-1 Mews love at 8:00 or story tonight just released polls have incumbent Mayor Don Mitchell, Jr. and 28 year old grassroots challenger Bella reál in a deal heat.

Man: Things certainly got hot last night in their final debate before next Tuesday's election.

[ takes a quick look into the heated debate ]

Don Mitchell Jr. :" Now, my young opponent here wants to gut the Gotham Renewal Program, established by the great Thomas Wayne. Cutting funds from vital projects like our seawall, and the safety net for those who need it.

Bella: " The renewal program is broken. This city been renewing for 20 years. Look where it's gotten us. Crime has skyrocketed. Murder and drugs use are at historic highs-

Don Mitchell Jr. : " Now wait... Now hang on.

Bella: " We have a masked vigilante running the street.

Don Mitchell Jr. : " Under my administration, the Gotham PD has dealt major blows to organized crime and drug trafficking.  The Salvatore Maroni case was the biggest drug bust in city history.

"Yes it was"

Bella: " But drops and other drugs are still rampant.  It's gotten Worse.

Don Mitchell Jr. : " I'm not saying there isn't work to do. But listen-

[ phone rings ]

[ continue] " I have  a beautiful wife and young son, okay? And I will not rest...

[ Mitchell grabs the remote and mutes the TV and picks the phone. He leaves the spot he was in and Someone is hidden in the dark and have something in his hand]

20 percent of the people that is here jumps.

Mitchell: " Hey ...... Yeah, I'm watching it now..... why is she still tied ? ..... But I thought we were getting a bump in the new Post poll.

[ the man dress it black with clear glasses on his face quietly watches him going back in fourth ]

Mitchell: " Okay, you know what? I can't watch this anymore. Just call me in the morning, okay?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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