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Hawkins Indiana was a lot different to California. In good ways and bad. Olivia looked out the window of her step brothers blue Camaro at the small houses of Cherry Lane.

Rolling her eyes to the sound of Max and Billy screaming at each other. Liv's head snapped up towards the door as Max finally made her way out of the house. Slamming the houses front door behind her, she climbed into the car, huffing and puffing after being rushed out by a highly agitated Billy, who then opened said front door just to slam it shut again.

Billy's car door slammed shut as quickly as it opened, pissed, he turned the radio on. Blasting "rock me like a hurricane" he sped down the street and towards the school.

Besides Billy's music the car trip was silent. Steam metaphorically still coming out of Billy's ears and Max's eyes rolling so far back they could get stuck.

In a way, Liv found it peaceful. Max and Billy not arguing. The calm morning breeze. She was enjoying it till Billy aggressively swerved into the high schools parking lot. He slammed his foot down on the breaks causing the three of them to fly forward.

Max quickly got out the car and took off towards the middle school without even saying goodbye. Billy and Olivia then both got out, feeling eyes on them from all around.

"Sorry Livy, see ya." Billy apologised before walking off in the direction of the school.

Olivia sighed, looking at Hawkins high. Most eyes had followed Billy down to the school but Liv could still feel a pair, lingering on her. She looked over at a plum coloured BMW, making eye contact with a pair of beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Along with the eyes came a sweet smile and a fancy head of hair. Liv smiled back at him, they maintained eye contact till a girl came into view by the guys side, most likely his girlfriend. Olivia looked away as she walked off and into the school, unaware the same pair of brown eyes followed her till she was out of sight.

After getting her schedule and her locker number and combo, Liv went to put her stuff she wouldn't need for her first class in her locker.

She was about to go to class when a pretty brunette in a green sweater walked up to her.

"You're the newbie, right? Olivia?" The girl asked her.

"Uh, yeah." Liv replied awkwardly.

"I'm Maya, welcome to Hawkins high!" The girl Olivia now knew as Maya stuck her hand out towards her. Liv looked between the girl in front of hers hand and her face a few times before cautiously taking it in her own and shaking it.

"Don't worry girlie, I'm not a weirdo. Just get how much it sucks being the new kid." Maya gave her a warm, welcoming smile.

"You're new too?" Liv asked her, eyebrows knitted together.

"Not anymore. I was till you and your brother got here." Maya clarified as the bell rang, signalling that class was about to start.

Livia's eyes widened, quickly opening her now folded schedule to see that she had English first. "What you got first?" Maya asked her, Olivia showed her and Maya's smile grew as she told her they had the same class. On the way there Maya told Olivia about her friends Robin and Hayley who were also in that class.

After taking a seat with Maya and saying hi to her friends, Liv saw someone out the corner of her eye.

It was the girl who was with the cute guy from the parking lot. Clearly she looked a little to long because the girls baby blue eyes met Olivia's for a split second before Liv quickly looked away and just her luck, who does she catch eye contact with now? Only the guy from this morning.

This time she noticed small golden flecks in his chocolatey brown eyes. He smiled at her and discreetly waved at her. Liv felt her face heat up so after quickly waving back she quickly turned around to face the front again as as the teacher began talking.

When class was over Maya and Liv made their way out of the room and a pretty brunette girl that Liv had recently learned was Tina passed her a flyer which she thanked her for.

M and Livi looked at the flyers, they were invitations to her Halloween party.

"Yeah, no thanks." Olivia said as she went to throw the flyer out.

"Wait, wait, wait right there mama. This could be an opportunity for you to meet new people! Get to know everyone round here a bit." Maya pushed.

"Sounds like hell on earth, thanks Maya but I'm not really a party person." Liv tried to politely decline but Maya wasn't taking no for an answer. Maya kept begging her until she saw a guy with shaggy brown hair.

"Jonathan! Wait up!" Maya grabbed Olivia's wrist, dragging her new friend along to catch up with the boy in front.

"Hey Maya." Jonathan kindly smiled at her, neither of the girls could help but notice the sadness in his eyes.

"What up Jonny? Nancy again?" Maya asked him, frowning.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." Jonathan replied, Liv couldn't tell if he didn't want to talk about it at all or if he didn't want to look like a loser in front of her, someone he didn't know.

"Ok, if you're sure hun, anyway, this is my new friend Olivia, Liv this is Jonathan Byers." Maya introduced, both Jonathan and Olivia exchanged a quick yet surprisingly not awkward hi before Maya continued to ramble on about why they should all go to Tina's  party.

At the end of the day, after saying bye to Maya, Robin and Hayley. Liv walked out of the school and towards Billy's Camaro. He was sat on the front of the car waiting for her and Max who by the looks of it wasn't there yet.

When the redhead got closer she could see that he was currently doing his "asshole smirk" as Liv liked to call it, she rolled her eyes before asking,

"Who've you fought now?"

Billy did a fake gasped before saying, "What on earth do you mean Livy?" .

"We'll you're pulling your asshole face so you've either fought someone and won or you've pissed someone off." She explained.

"You got me," Billy let out a laugh, "They call him 'King Steve' or they did till today. I showed him how we do it in California."

"You realise that sounded really sexual. Right?" She told him, trying not to laugh. Billy rolled his eyes,

"You know what I mean Livy." He whined before looking in the direction of the middle school to see the younger redhead sister skating towards them.

"About fucking time, you take this long next time and you're skating home." Billy growled at the young teen, who replied with a careless eye roll before climbing in the back of the car. Knowing as long as Liv was there, she would never have to skate home.

Billy once again turned on his, in Olivia's opinion, horrendous music on full blast before speeding out of the parking lot and towards their house.

(A/n): FIRST CHAPTER DONE! It's not as long as I would've liked but hopefully you guys like it <33 Also Robin is obviously Robin Buckley(my beloved) and Hayley's face claim is Arden Cho xx

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