EXTRA. "It isn't that easy to forget a memory worth a handspan"

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I missed writing them, so here an extra chapter <3


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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

◁                               Ⅱ                               ▷

I'm still held back in the place where

We dance under the orange sun

Together with no shadow below us

No separation was meant to be

Let's meet at the memory that was once beautiful



The start of Spring loomed over the Wizarding World, and while it did not mean much to them, it so happens to be an auspicious day for a few. However, they had no idea of that one bit.

Lucia Potter heaved out a small sigh and her smile drop slightly once the prior customer exited out of the Bakery before she continued with kneading the dough when the entrance of the shop rang its bell once more, indicating that there were more customers.

"Welco —"

"It's just me," Juniper Weasley entered her bakery with an amused smile as Lucia slumped her shoulders and waved her wand, bringing chairs for her to sit.

"I'm exhausted. I feel like all my social battery had just been wasted by just dealing with customers — you know when you went up to the flat and left me alone? There were these creepy men coming in and asked if I have any room in here for them," Lucia looked ill just remembering the moment as she placed her hand over her bulging stomach. "How do you do it, Juniper?"

"First of, that's disgusting," said Juniper, and Lucia nodded solemnly. "Second of, that shouldn't be happening in the first place, and I can't believe that happened to you right under my nose and in Erin's Bakery out of all places! I have simply disgraced her legacy!"

"Okay, let's not go there," mused Lucia. "You're being emotional,"

"Not my fault," mumbled Juniper under her breath as she went to fetch a napkin from over the counter, her hand rubbing circles around her small, yet noticeable bump.

"You're not wrong," Lucia snorted before both Juniper and Lucia trailed into a resenting sigh.

"It's all their fault," Juniper clenched her napkin after using them. "It's always their fault!"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now