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Athena adjusts her face cap to shield her face from the warm sun of the evening, the sky is clear today - no single cloud out there. The Alaric's have decided to enjoy themselves at a beach resort at the other side of town, Athena still wonders what was wrong with driving to Walmart to get flour and start baking random pastries on the internet; her father said he wanted it to be special. She slams the car boot shut with the sixth luggage in hand. Her mother yell for her to hurry up before they sign in without her, she grumbled in annoyance and swears under her breath before strapping her own bag over her shoulder and hooked it under the other.

Why don't you carry the bags yourself? she thought. If they really wanted her to be quick why'd they tell her to get her four siblings bags out? Luis being the older brother could've handled it pretty well but he complained of shoulder cramps....does such even exist? She makes it to the reception without fainting at least, she sees her father talking to the receptionist and her mother concentrated on something shuffling through her bag - she looks up spotting athena and sends a thumbs up before resuming. Athena gives a weak smile and sighs before dragging all the bags to the waiting lounge letting a lone stream of sweat from her forehead run down her face.

Her siblings sit playing with each other except for luis who's texting with a stern look on his face. The anger in Athena bubbles gathering all residual energy, she stomps towards him and uploads all the weight on him.

"What the heck athena?"

"Oh I'm sorry! Just wanted to help you loosen those biceps before they get cramps too"

"You little bitch" she smiles and hands her siblings their individual bags, taking a pack of gum which her siblings love and start handing them their favourite individual flavours - she gives Jasmine strawberry, liam peach...

She pauses and stares at the remaining three..she takes the orange.

Mint and grape. You could see the sprockets jamming in her head. If she mixes them up, Luna will never talk to her because the little monster has reminded her a million times and Elijah, Luna's twin brother, will be so upset because he complains about how one of them has a terrible aftertaste. Life without a sound memory sucks for someone like Athena, she sometimes have to flush her water closet twice because she doubts she flushed the first time.

"Twins, why don't you pick your favorite and I promise never to forget again ever again."

Elijah slits his eyes at athena as picks grape while the feminine demon picks her mint, they both pulled out both their Pinky's and waved it in her face before linking them with both of Athena's.

"Pinky promise for the one hundredth and God knows what time?" They say in unison and she laughs, not humor filled but terror. She has a thing for twin telepathy.

After sorting them out, giving Luna piggyback rides, playing with Jasmine's hair and talking about boy problems for about an hour or less, they finally end up in their rooms. She's sharing room with liam.

What in the seven seas was mom thinking? She huffs in annoyance and stomps into the room dragging her luggage and bag behind her. She soon settles in and gets comfortable absorbing her surroundings, since it's already getting late she decides to just get a snack. She takes the stairs to the diner. Athena's eyes analyse every snack and delicacy she could find; her mouth begins to water when her eyes land on every kids adoration.

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