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Climbing off the Uber, I take a deep breath and stand rooted on the ground. For my first day, I decided to be a little plain. So I am dressed in a long sleeved black bodycon dress and red court heels. I am also carrying a red handbag and a black laptop bag which is filled with my notes and the things I think I will need. I take in my surroundings. I notice some of the things I didn’t notice the time I came here for the interview.

There is a petrol station not far from the school and there are restaurants like McDonalds and Wimpy together with the small Pick and Pay shop in the garage building. These kids are living the life. I turn my head to look at the school in front of me. It’s built like one of those England boarding schools you usually see on the movies. High buildings surrounded by well-kept fresh grass that would be a good spot for a picnic.

There is a long driveway leading to the administration building which also contains the teachers’ offices and staff room. There are also students in burgundy and white uniforms; wondering around and some climbing off really expensive cars. As I am nearing the building, three black cars swiftly pass me and then come to a halt on the parking lot. Men in black suits climb off and one of them open the back doors of the car in the middle and two students, a boy and a girl, climb off. They look like one of the minister’s children. Then I remember, this is one of the expensive private school in the country where you will find children of public figures, politicians and really wealthy people.

Before I get caught looking at the kids, I allow my feet to move me inside the admin building. I greet the clerk and she passes me the register which I sign and then proceed to the staff room. I did come here last week to sign the contract and I am very happy with the salary I will be getting. In no time, I will get myself a small affordable car and then build myself a nice cozy house back home. I enter the staff room and everyone inside turn to look at me. I am expecting desks with their teaching materials, laptops and whatever but there aren’t any. Just couches, tables and chairs here and there.

“Miss Gwendaline. You’re finally here.” a cheerful Indian woman who looks like she is in her thirties states with a wide smile and comes to hug me. “I am Mrs. Gwenn Matthenson and welcome to Thubelihle Secondary School. I am a history teacher and I teach grade 11.”

“Nice to meet you.” some of the teachers come to hug me and introduce themselves while others wave where they are.

“Come this way, Miss Gwendaline. You will carry on with the introductions later.” A handsome man states, placing his arm around my shoulder and leading me outside the staff room. Other teachers follow but enter different doors. “I am Lindikhaya Jalajala, the Life Sciences’ grade 12 teacher and your part time mentor. I will show you some of the ropes and introduce you to your classes. You have 4 classes by the way. Let me carry that for you.” he takes my laptop bag.

“You’re lucky. I never found a single gentleman bone in him when I got here.” a woman behind us states. Lindikhaya laughs.
“Don’t be like that.”

The woman smiles at me. “I am Khwezilomso Jalajala. I teach Life Sciences to grade 11 students. This idiot is my husband.” my eyes pop out.
“You guys are married, teach in the same school, the same subject?” I ask and she chuckles before nodding.

“I didn’t have much of a choice. But we got married way before we came here.” I nod with a smile.
“Don’t you guys bring marital problems to work?” they both laugh.
“My wife is professional as fuck when we are at work. I am even surprised she mentioned that she is married to me.” Lindikhaya says in a teasing tone, winking at his wife and she giggles, rolling her eyes.

“And we are here.” Khwezilomso stops and points at the building before us. I look up. There is a sign written ‘SCIENCE BUILDING’. “Teachers have their own small offices in their departments. Here, we share the department with Physical Sciences teachers. There is also a science lab, a biology lab and a mini science library. The offices make it easy for the students to consult with the teachers whenever they have problems. Let me show you your new second home.” She leads me to a small but cozy office with a table, three chairs, bookcase and a mini cupboard at the corner. There is a small chalk board near the window. The office is clean and neat. “This is your office. A sign will be up on your door by the end of today. You are free to add whatever you wanna add at your office, flowers, whatever you need to make this a home.

Lindikhaya enters and places my bag on the table. “My office is next door. Once you have settled in, come find me and I will show you to your classes. For today, you will be doing introductions, time tables and your own teaching schedule. You are free to have afternoon and weekend extra classes but you need to consult with the other teachers first so that you guys won’t clash.”

“I showed you the mini kitchen. You can place your lunch box there. If you also wanna engage with the other teachers, feel free to use the kitchen near the staffroom. If you are want take outs, you can order from McDonalds and Wimpy. They do deliver here.” Khwezilomso adds.

“Lastly, don’t fall into temptation and date the students. There are many handsome boys out there and they are all rich. Some are charming and will sweep you off your feet, but don’t give in. it’s not worth it. The parents, however, are not off limits.” Lindikhaya comments and I laugh before nodding.

“Thank you so much.” I smile at them both. They nod before heading off, closing the door behind them. I look around and breathe in the scent of my new office. To God be the glory.

“Morning students. This is Miss Gwendaline, your new Life Sciences teacher. You will officially start learning tomorrow. For now we are just doing introductions.” Lindikhaya starts off in the first class and all the students go quiet. “Over to you, Miss.” He smiles at me before leaning on the wall.

“Good morning everyone. As Mr. Jalajala has said, I am Miss C. Gwendaline. Originally from Nigeria so please don’t be offended if it takes time for me to pronounce your names and surnames well. I am looking forward to teaching you guys and learning a thing or two from you. This week is all about getting to know each other and creating a stable foundation so that we can all move forward on the same pace. My personal email is I am giving you all permission to write to me for today only. If you are struggling or a little left behind on any topic that has been covered since the beginning of the year, don’t hesitate to email me and I will make sure to set up a one on one consultation so that we can tackle whatever issue you are facing. I would like the class representatives to give me their contact details so that some things will be easier. Tomorrow we will be continuing with the ROLE OF MITOSIS. Again, I am looking forward to teaching you guys. Have a good day.”

“THANK YOU, MISS!” the whole class chants and I smile before heading out.

By lunch time, all the class representatives from 4 classes have stopped by at my office and we have exchanged contact details. Before eating my lunch box, I figure I should pay Mr. Mncube a visit just to greet him and tell him that I settled in well. I quickly head to his office and his secretary smiles at me before gesturing that I can go ahead. I knock twice and then open the door. He is laughing with someone.

“Come uncle, I try.” A familiar voice states and Mr. Mncube laughs.
“Try my foot.” I clear my throat to announce my presence and both men turn to me. Ow great. Rasta is here. His visit is rather suspicious but I won’t point it out.

“Hello, Mr. Mncube. I just wanted to greet you and inform you that I have settled in quite well with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Jalajala.” Mr. Mncube smiles and gestures that I sit next to Rasta.
“I was just about to tell my secretary to call you. I was in a meeting the time you came in. the students aren’t too intimidating?” he asks in a teasing tone and I chuckle before settling next to Makhosonke.

“It’s too early to tell but even if they are intimidating, I am here to teach and I will do my best to make sure that everyone get pleasing results.”
“That’s what I want to hear. Malindi was just about to order lunch for us. Let me tell her to add you.” he stands up and heads out.

“You look beautiful.” Makhosonke starts off and I roll my eyes.
“You came here to torment me on my first day?” I ask and his eyes pop out dramatically.
“Me? Torment you? I would never.” I huff.

“How much of a coincidence that you ‘visit’ your uncle outside of your lunch hours the same day that I start working at his school?” I whisper sharply.
“You are such an over thinker, Chizoba. I am my own boss. So I come and go as I please. Also, I didn’t know that you are starting work today.” He shrugs innocently but there is an arrogant smirk threatening to cover his mouth. I scoff.

“Yeah, tell that to someone who will believe it.”
“Believe whatever you wanna believe. I will once again repeat, you look beautiful.”
“No one cares about your opinion, Mr. 12k pants.” He breaks into laughter and Mr. Mncube chooses that time to return to his office.

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