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Chung entered the bedroom and his heart broke when he saw the position his love was sleeping in. he could easily read anything she did and judging by her sleeping position, she was devastated. He got into bed and shook her gently. She stirred a bit before opening her eyes and she was shocked to see Chung back but she couldn’t react before she was tired emotionally and physically. 

“I am sorry for leaving you. I left you when you needed me the most and I got selfish. I was busy nursing my ego and I neglected you.” his voice was low and soft. 

Nneka sniffed. “Your actions are justifiable. What I did was unforgivable and I am sorry. I was stupid and I put our love at risk. Do you forgive me?” her voice was scratchy and almost inaudible. 

Chung’s heart broke. He loved Nneka so much and seeing her hurt, broke his heart into small pieces. “I forgive you, babe. You know, at first I was furious. I drank so much until I had food poisoning. Woke up at the hospital the next morning. It wasn’t that bad, so I got discharged in that morning. Then I thought about hurting you the same way that you hurt me. I asked some woman out on a date and we talked. When I invited her up to my hotel room, I thought I was going to sleep with her. She was beautiful and attractive. But as she came closer to me, the look in her eyes brought me back to my senses. She was not you. No woman will ever be you and that’s when I realized that I was ready to forgive you and overlook this mistake you made.” 

“Babe.” Nneka sobbed as she clung into Chung’s body like her life depended on it. “I love you so much and I will never hurt you like that again.” She spoke in between her sobs and Chung comforted her. She was relieved. She couldn’t believe that God had actually come through for her. God had given her a second chance with the love of her life and she was going to treasure it. 

“I love you too, more than you can ever imagine.” They clung into each other for a long time before Chung created some space between them. “So,” he started off and Nneka looked up. “I met your sister, Chichi. I don’t think she likes me that much.” 

Nneka chuckled. “I was miserable and I couldn’t get ahold of you, so I called her. She came here and helped me get to bed. I thought she had left. I didn’t tell her about us because as much as she is my sister, she is still young and I don’t want her knowing all my business.” 

“She probably thought I was out cheating on you.” Nneka sighed. “I think she cooked. Let’s go eat. I know you haven’t eating since the day I left.” 

“That’s not true. I did eat.” She defended and Chung gave her a serious stare. “An apple counts as food, right?” He rolled his eyes and sat up. He climbed off the bed before he pulled her to a standing position. 

“I wanna feed you. I want all those curves back in shape.” He kissed her forehead before leading her to the kitchen. They found Chichi dishing up. She turned and frowned when she saw that love lived here. 

“Ow, so you guys patched things up? Whatever those things were?” she asked curiously and Nneka smiled. 

“Yes, little one. Thank you for coming to my rescue and thanks for cooking. Wait, is that beans porridge I smell?” she asked already sniffing her way to the pots. Chichi gave her a knowing smile. 

“Yes. I dished up for both of you. Your food is in the warmer. I will be on my way now. My man is already complaining that I have neglected him. I guess I won’t find out about the issues you two are or were facing.” – Chichi. 

“We have sorted it out. Thank you for being there for her.” Chung chirped in. 

“That’s what family is for.” Chichi hugged her sister before making her way out with food containers. 

“Beans porridge is my favourite dish but I can never make it the way Chizoba makes it. She is a pro.” Nneka stated, heading to the oven. 


Chiagozie made his way inside his marital home. He had come to fetch more changing clothes because his wife didn’t want him anywhere near her and she had made it clear that she will not leave her marital home because of his whoring ways. Well that’s unless he signed the divorce papers. But even then, she would get the house because she wanted primary custody of the children and they needed a stable shelter. Mrs. Gwendaline had tried to talk some ‘sense’ into her but Celine was having none of it. Chia did not only disrespect her by going outside of their marriage and having an affair, he had to come back and want to force the bitch down her throat. Celine wasn’t going to stand and watch the Gwendaline family turn her into a crazy woman and she didn’t sign up for any polygamy. 

The house was quiet. Chia made his way to their bedroom and he frowned when he didn’t find his clothes at his wardrobe. Did Celine do something to them? He didn’t wanna bother her, so he moved to the guest bedroom and his clothes were shoved into black plastic bags. He sighed before he took the bags and went to place them in the lounge. He walked to the kitchen and was shocked to find Celine cooking while wearing the shortest dress he has ever seen. 

“Ihunanya m. (My love).” he called out and Celine chuckled. 

“Are you lost perhaps? I hope you did find your clothes. It was either the guest bedroom or finding them in ashes. I figured the former was less strenuous. And please don’t call me your love. You know when you lost the right to address me with that name. Now you have a new ‘my love’.” 

“But babe you know that what happened with me and that woman meant nothing. I never wanted to marry her. Her family was just forcing my hand. I was never going to leave you for her or even force you to get into a polygamous marriage. Don’t listen to what everybody around us is saying. Listen to me, your husband.” 

Celine chuckled bitterly. “My husband? My husband, i na-ekwu? (You say?)” She clapped her hands dramatically. “The same husband who fucked a whore and planted his seed inside her? You fucken left evidence. You didn’t care about my health or wellbeing. You slept with her without protection, so don’t fuckin patronize me, telling me that your new wife meant nothing. You planned this. The whole pregnancy thing. You planned it.” She was shaking in rage. Talking about this issue infuriated her even more. It was bad enough that both their families were keen on the second wife issue. Nobody cared about her. Even his sisters, which she thought loved her, hadn’t said anything to her since these news broke out. That meant they weren’t on her side. That really broke her heart because she had no friends. 

“I know you are upset and I understand your frustrations.” Chia spoke calmly and that seemed to enrage Celine more. 

“Frustrations? You understand my frustrations? You don’t understand shit, Chiagozie. If you did understand, you wouldn’t set your sticky legs on my house. You would make sure I don’t see your ugly face or hear your squeaky voice. You have broken me. Congratulations. You have turned me into a lunatic. Turned me to a laughing stock. Degraded me. Shamed me and worse of all, betrayed my trust and our vows. So don’t fuckin stand there and say you understand my frustrations because what you have put me through is more than just frustrations. Don’t patronize me.” She was already panting and trying so hard to keep her tears at bay. 

“Babe, I am sorry.” Chia made a mistake by touching her because she screamed and in one swift motion, took the boiling pot and emptied its contents in him. It was hot porridge and the man screamed loudly. 

“OMG!” Celine was shocked by her own actions. Yes, she was beyond angry from his transgressions but she didn’t want him dead. She dragged a screaming Chia to the car and dropped him off at the nearest hospital. She went back to her house and packed a few clothes before booking herself into a hotel in Port Harcourt. 

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