Chapter 6

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Down in the museum, Krux tried to keep his secret as Kai wandered around.
"Master Wu taught us that any problem can be solved. It just takes thought and time." Kai placed his hand on his chin.
"I am quite very certain there is nothing to interest you here." Saunders said.

"Hm, I don't know. I mean, what if this guy was related to the snakes we fought?" Kai asked.

"Not likely. And really, I doubt you'll find anything. Our collection is mostly harmless artifacts."

"Hmm. Maybe. But you never know what might open the door to some secret information." Kai sat on a chair, unexpectedly opening the secret door, but Kai's a bit dumb.
"Something I'm missing. Like, you know the expression, one can't see the forest for the trees?" Kai waved his hand in the air.

"You said you were taking care of this." Acronix whispered angrily.
"Something that's right in front of me." Kai continued.
"I am taking care of this." Krux gritted through his teeth.

"No, I am!" Acronix grabbed the time blade but Kai stood up, closing the door.
"Now, really, I must insist you to go home. It is after closing time." Saunders said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It was a longshot, anyway. Wait a minute." Kai gasped.
"That's it! The helmet! It's just like the one they were wearing." Kai ran to the portrait of the Time Twin battle.
"But wait, Acronix is gone and Master Wu said Krux was lost in time forever. So that means Krux must still be around somewhere!" Kai concluded.

"Don't be ridiculous. I have told you, they are myth." The fake mustache fell off.
"What is the--Dr. Saunders! You. You're Krux! Which means Master Wu was wrong! You weren't lost in time!" Kai shouted.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. That is positively... correct. I've been hiding here, right under his nose for YEARS!" Krux revealled himself.
"I knew I'd seen that helmet before!" Kai exclaimed.
"Well, aren't you clever? Such a smart little ninja." Krux said.

. . .

Nya, Jay and Cole arrived in the city to see the Vermillion attacking.
"Uh, guys, look who's back." Cole pointed.
"Oh, now what are they up to?" Nya exclaimed.
"They're either kidnapping more people or organizing a parade." Cole said.
"Jay! Hurry up and call the temple already to get backup! I'm going to the museum." Nya said.

. . .

"Wait, wait. So if he doesn't kn-- wh- ho--" Lloyd has been pacing around the room for a long time.
"What do you mean??" Lloyd asked. Morro pushed Lloyd out of the room and shut the door behind them.
"One, stop shouting, two I've explained this ten times already, three how many times am I gonna have to list things?" Morro said.
"My father has foreseen multiple events. However, he doesn't always know how to resolve problems." Morro said.

"What am I supposed to do?!" Lloyd exclaimed.
"Calm down!" Morro exclaimed. Lloyd's phone rung. He answered it.

"LLOYD, PUT ME ON SPEAKER!!" Jay shouted.
"I don't think he needs to be put on speaker, he's loud enough." Morro said. Lloyd held the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker.
"The city's under attack!" Jay said.
"Backup please?" Jay asked.
"Alright, we got the message." Lloyd hung up.

"Let's go." Morro said.
"I- I don't know--" Lloyd said.
"They need out help." Morro said.
"But I feel like I need to be here with Master Wu." Lloyd said.
"You're mom can look after him, let's go." Morro said.
"I can't!" Lloyd said.

"You can't?" Morro asked.
"Or you can't decide? Figure it out quickly." Morro extended his staff and left Lloyd alone in the hall.

. . .

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