chapter 10

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"Well I'm glad you're sure." Kai said. A blue wave of energy flew over the terrain, slowing everyone down for a short while.

"What the heck wa--"

"AAAAAH!!" Morro shouted.
"?!" Everyone faced him.
"Oh, I hate that, I hate that, I hate that." Morro said.
"I never wanted to feel thst again." Morro's grip tighened.
"Okay then...." Cole looked to Lloyd. He was having a strange reaction as well.

"Look!" Zane pointed. The Vermillion started to leave the park.
"Huh." Kai said.
"Wait! Get back here!! Who stole my Samurai X gear?!" Nya shouted after them.

"Another Time Blade must have arrived. And somehow the snakes knew it." Lloyd said, tapping his face a bit.
"Thirty four, twenty eight." Zane said.
"Uh, oh. I think Zane got knocked offline again. He's babbling numbers." Cole crossed his arms.
"No, that's latitude and longitude." Nya said.

"Nya, upgrading my temporal scanner during my reboot was a good idea." Zane said.
"Well, I saw the new BorgWatch had one." Nya shrugged.
"Wh- why?" Morro whispered.

"The Time Blade is in the Eastern Sea of Sand." Zane calculated.
"Does every device have a temporal scanner incase fifty more Time Blades appear out of nowhere?" Morro asked.
"We can't let them get the Blade first. Come on!" Lloyd instructed.

. . .

"Oh, I just promised nothing was gonna hurt you guys! And now they've taken Mom!" Jay shouted.
"It's going to be fine. I'm sure you'll come up with a way to save the day." Ed reassured him.
"Yeah? How can you be sure?" Jay asked.
"Well, because you have every other time the forces of evil have descended on this place." Ed said. Jay sighed. He hasn't dine a very good job.
"Just remember what we say in the scrap metal business." Ed said.
"Keep your emotions under control and focus on the problem at hand."

"Do you actually say that?" Jay asked.
"Ah, it's a surprisingly harsh business, son. The important thing is, we raised you to never give up." Ed smiles. Jay sighed.
"You're right. I'm going after Mom."

"That's the spirit, son!"

Jay remembered is bikr was destroyed.
"Where's the nearest bus stop?" Jay asked.
"Ahem. Hold on. I have something here that might be useful." Ed walked over to a sheet. "Something that doesn't require a bus pass. Now, normally, I don't believe in giving birthday gifts early, but your mother is in danger, so I'm gonna make an exception." Ed lifted ofd the sheet, revealing a motor bike.
"Like it? I built it myself."

"Um..." Jay tried to mount it and it fell apart.
"I've got some ideas for a few modifications. If that's okay." He said.

"Only if you let me help."

. . .

With a truck of some wort and a somehow moving train of roller coaster carts, the Vermillion made their way in the wasteland.
"Lovely morning for a ride in the desert." Blunk said.
"It's too blasted hot!" Raggmunk shouted.
"Yes, but it's a dry heat." Blunk said.

"You see, this is why I wanted my purse. I keep a bottle of water in it. Hydration is important!" Edna shouted from her claw cage.

"I don't see the Time Blade, but--" Cole looked around.
"They have Jay's mom!" He shouted.
"That must be why Jay left so suddenly. But, where is he?" Nya looked around.

"Forget that! If we have that Time Blade, we're at an advantage." Morro shouted.
"Then, let's get it first! Split up!" Lloyd said.

"We're approaching the Time Blade!" Zane pointed. A few seperate snakes flew into the Ninja's vehicles and wrecked their circuitry.
"Oh no." Lloyd opened his hatch. Morro pulled him out and summonded his dragon, flying above the crash.
"Why don't we do this all the time?" Lloyd asked.
"Vehicles are better than wasting energy." Morro said.
"You're right." Lloyd said.
"No, I'm left handed." Morro replied. Lloyd rolled his eyes.

Brother of Wind {Book 7: Hands of Time}Where stories live. Discover now