"Kai! Nya! Come back! Kai! Nya!" Jay shouted.
"Why'd they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix?" He placed his hands over his face."It was the only way to save Wu." A man, spiked hair and red clothes walked out of th-- hold on, how'd we get here? I dunno, there's probably a few episodes to watch between last chapter and now on Netflix or something, anyways. He wlked out of the Time Twin's base, supported by a woman, looking very similar to Nya.
"Oh, okay. I'm good with it. Hey, wait a sec. Who are you? And how do you know that?" Jay asked.
"What just happened?" He crossed his arms."Ray, Maya." Morro walked forwards.
"Kai and Nya's parents? We saw your portrait at the museum." Lloyd said.
"Little Wind." Maya said.
"Hah. No." Morro replied."Krux and Acronix traveled back in time with the Reversal Time Blade so our children had to follow." Ray said.
"Why?" Jay asked.
"Only that Blade can undo the effect of the Time Punch on Master Wu. They are his last hope." Maya sighed.
"Master Wu is with them?" Lloyd asked.
"How's it feel to be the only one who hasn't time traveled?" Morro nudged Lloyd.
"Anyways." Lloyd said."We have to go help. We just need a time machine. You can build another one, right?" Cole asked Borg. Oh yeah, he's there too. Like I said, Netflix.
"I can't." Borg replied.
"Oh. I get it. 'I can't' is business speak for 'It'll cost you big.' Okay, businessman, I hear you. Hm, I've got a tenner." Jay reached into his pocket, HEY THEY HAVE POCKETS!"No Time Blades, no time travel. I'm afraid there is nothing to do but wait and hope Kai and Nya return." Maya said.
"Okay, then, Samurai 2.0." Jay turned.to the Samurai who was also there, the one who stole Nya's armour and somewhere along the way she was fine with it."While we're stuck waiting, why don't you tell us who's really under there?" Jay asked.
"No." Samurai X said."Uh, would a tenner change your mind?"
"What about a piece of candy?"
"What about two pieces of candy?"
"What you said is true. Kai and Nya truly are Master Wu's last hope." Maya said.
"Not just his. All of Ninjag--" Ray stopped his sentence to cough.
"Ray. What is it?" Maya asked.
"On the ship, when Acronix hit me, he was holding a Time Blade and something happened." Ray said.Zane stepped forwards to scan him.
"Accelerated physical deterioration, rapid loss of life function. You've been hit with a Time Punch, too." Zane said.
"And there's no cure." Lloyd sighed.
"Wait. You said the Reversal Blade can undo it on Master Wu. Would that work for you, too?" Cole asked.
"Only if our children retrieve it and return in time." Ray said.Alright we get it, your kids are time traveling and your sick. Right, now a few world changing things happen... Uh.... Zane kinda dies again for a second... Stuff happens in the past and yeah.
"Guys, you won't believe it." Jay said looking to the buildings in the distance.
"Ninjago is back to normal." Cole said.
"My technology has returned!" Borg exclaimed.
"I believe something just overloaded my sensors. Did anyone else feel a temporal disturbance?" Zame asked, not being dead. Samurai X stepped forwards once again."Haha! Kai and Nya did it!" Jay hugged Samurai X.
"Wanna celebrate by telling me who you really are?" Jay asked."No."
"Everything is fixed. Yeah!" Cole jumped up.
"Fate of Ninjago." Ray sighed. He felt a pain in his body.
"Not everything." Maya said.Something something.... Time blade, Wu is cured and he got lost in time. Great. Let's move on.
"Kai?" Lloyd asked as the fire ninja and his sister walked up with the reversal blade in their hands.
"Nya?" Jay asked.
"Mom?" Nya said.
"Dad?" Kai asked. Get ignored, Jay."Can't hold on." Ray struggled to say.
"I'm afraid he is close to his end. There's nothing to be done." Maya said.
"Then what's that?" Morro pointed to the blade in Kai's hands.Kai nodded. He cured his father.
"My children." Ray said.
"Dad." The siblings said.
"Oh, you guys. Let me get in on this." Jay entered in in the hug the family shared.Morro narrowed his eyes.
"Where's Wu?" Lloyd asked.
"Oh, no. He's still on the Iron Doom. He stayed aboard to deal with Krux and Acronix." Kai gasped.
"And now he's gone." Nya said.Morro clenched his fists and a wave of wind shot out, almost cracking the ground.
"So we don't have a Master anymore?" Cole asked. Jay took a thought.
"Yes we do." He said.
"Not just one, infact." Jay took the Time Blade and handed it over to the brothers. Morro and Lloyd. Their connection to each other makes them better leaders, form more elaborate plans. Lead them through the dark."Everyone, listen up." Lloyd took the blade.
"First, we get rid of this. It's too powerful." He instructed.
"Then our next move is easy. Untill we find him, we're not going to rest." Morro said."We'll find where Wu is."
. . .
Lmao pog
Anyways, I really dislike s7. Not my favourite. So now that it's done, I can write cooler stuff!! And darker stuff! Yeahhh! And maybe some Morro backstory????????
I am tired I have had so many rushes at work 💀
Thanks for putting up with me, sorry for any inconveniences

Brother of Wind {Book 7: Hands of Time}
FanfictionWelcome to book seven of the Brother of Wind au! In this au, I rewrite Ninjago but a certain wind ninja has always been a part of the team. This book is based of Lego Ninjago season seven, Hands of Time. I do not own any of the characters, but I did...