Tracking Down

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The Devil paces back and forth as his fury pool over his entire body. He could never get over what King Dice said to him. It didn't matter to him right now how much of his stamina has replenished.

"I'm gonna find him." He grumbled. "I'm gonna find him! Oooh, and when I do, I'll make him PAY!"

This whole time as he was ranting to himself, the contract that was left behind is still in the palm of his hands, crumpled with the melody of cracking in his ears. His back has been steaming so much smoke from his ongoing rage that every single imp in the room would feel the heat from it. The hairy demon might end up having another outburst any moment now, and everyone is crossing their fingers to hope that doesn't continue to happen.

"He's not going to get away that easily! I'd made sure of it! Not as long as I have his soul contract..."

Suddenly, the sound of someone, knocking on the rocky wall interrupts his talking. The Devil glances over his shoulder to find two imps, walking into the room with gloomy expressions on their faces. The smoke fades from the taller entity's backside as he twirls his body towards them. Seems like some of the worker bees have come back with the report on his right hand man's whereabouts.


"We're sorry, boss." The first imp said with his head down. "We couldn't find King Dice anywhere."

"We checked every place in Inkwell City." The other one explained. "No luck, sir."

The Devil pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Well, did you think to look in the other isles?!"

"...No." The two imps admitted.


The Devil's loud voice cause the imps to fly high up into the air, and scatter before zooming back to the exit they came out of. He is getting impatient again.

"You know what?!" The Devil said aloud. "If Dice isn't coming back, I'll just have to take his soul, right here and now!"

In a flash, he raises his other arm up into the air, bringing forth his golden trident and pointing the forked tip onto the now wide sheet of paper. The bursting sounds of thunder and flashes of lightning pierced through the hallow walls as he is ready to cast a spell, hoping to bring damnation to King Dice...

...and yet, something is wrong. Normally, it would be easy as pie to rip someone's life out, and snatching their spirit when he had the chance. Not this time, though. It's as if something is pulling him back, not by some unseen force, but from another thing entirely. It's as if his body is acting on its own accord.

He lets out a blaring roar, slamming his weapon onto the ground. The atmosphere quickly went back to normal as the Devil starts to breathe heavily.

"Henchman!" He cried out. "GET IN HERE!"

The door swings open as the plump imp from before rushes into the room, halting to a complete stop in the presence of his boss and saluting to him. The tall monster slaps his forehead with the same hand he used to hold his weapon, rubbing it down to his chin as he tries to convey his emotions before calming down and saying:

"I need a smoke... Get me a cigar!"

"R-right away, sir!" The imp stammered.

He didn't hesitate to do as his leader said, flying as fast as he could to get what he needs. The Devil glares at the contract again, pondering as to why he didn't do the deed. He growls under his breath as he rolls the parchment back up.

The Die House used to be one of the ways to get into each one of the islands. But, now that the Devil's tyranny is vanquished for good, it's not an accessible route to go across the rivers anymore. Nowadays, people would take a ferry to get from one isle to the next, and news of the construction for building bridges have already been the talk of the town these days. But, that doesn't mean King Dice has no way of getting into his old post.

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