Taking It Back

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The Devil slams a large map on the stone table. An horde of imps surround the furniture from the air to get a better view of the chart. His henchman is also in the air next to his boss, staring down at the picture below and holding a box of tissues to clean the latter's eyes from the pinkish streaks on the sides of his face. Red "x" marks fill out most of the entire page, indicating where the demon's scouts have been before returning to the casino.

"So, this map shows the rest of the isles, yes?" He asks one of the imps as he wipes the tear stains off him.

"Yes, sir!" The imp replied.

The tiny minion rubs his finger on the sheet, tracing it to every single "x" on the chart. Another indication that each imp took different directions to find their lost manager.

"We checked every single corner of the land." He continues. "Once, twice, three times we searched the areas from the first to the last isle! No trace of King Dice, sir!"

The tall monster caresses his chin hair as he scans the huge map in front of him.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Yes." Another imp spoke. "We know he left the casino in such a rush, so he should've been in Inkwell City by now!"

"From the outside only, or did you check if he's inside any of the buildings?"

"You told us to keep a low profile." A third imp commented. "We did peak at the windows as quickly as we could."

"But there is no sign of Dice!" A forth imp added. "We can't even ask the locals for help, even if we wanted to!"

That makes sense. Since the Inkwell Isles is at peace once more, there is no reason for the Devil's minions to be outand about unless their boss tells them to, and since this is King Dice they're after, he ordered the imps to scurry across the isles without being seen. No reason to raise suspicion, as much as he wanted to spread his malice once more.

The Devil taps a claw to one of the x's in Inkwell Isle Two, and then taps another on Inkwell Isle One.

"What about the other locations?" He asked.

"Well, it's not like Inkwell City. They don't have buildings, or houses of the sort."

"We thought we can find King Dice there, boss."

"Sadly, we didn't. No matter how fruitless it is for him to find a hiding spot, we still couldn't find him!"

Listening in onto the imp's comments, the Devil seem to get what they're trying to say. Inkwell Isle Three is an urban district, not a rural one. There are no plants and trees anywhere, either. It's possible that King Dice is still hiding in the city somewhere, shifting to different areas to avoid detection. Or he could've fled into Inkwell Isle Two after the imps were out of sight since there are not a lot of hiding spots in the rural areas. That could possibly be the same scenario if he fled to Inkwell Isle One as well.

The Devil nods his head, coming to understand his minions' point of views. He gives his used tissue to his henchman, pointing to one of the flames from across the spiky rocks. As soon as the purple imp leaves his side, the Devil continues to speak.

"That will be all. I'll keep a good mental note on what you've found so far. You may be excused."

The tiny demons glide away from the table, with another one grabbing the map before flying, leaving the Devil, as well as henchman, who is throwing the tissue into the fire, incinerating the item in the process, all by themselves.

With the knowledge given to him, the monster can only hope to use this information to find King Dice, even if it's not too much. There is no reason for his right hand man to stay far away from him anymore. He isn't letting him get away, and when he finds him, he isn't going to punish him like he originally planned to.

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