Chapter 4

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Location: 30 minutes away from the not-so-abandoned building.

(TW: Kanifs, bloody bodies, some swears.)

It's cold, wet, and dark. I've been walking for 40 minutes in the pouring rain with my baby sister in my arms. Why am I walking in the rain? Oh, my parents kicked me out of the house. What's the reason? My baby sister was crying her eyes out, and since she had an attachment to me, they decided to kick both of us out.

All she really needed was a pacifier to stop crying. Well, what's done is done. We're now cold and wet. There is no light around, except for the dim glow of lightning in the clouds and the sound of roaring thunder. I'd go back, but what's the point.

I kept walking with my baby sister. It's been 50 minutes. I don't want to stop she'll die out here. Can't really see, I don't even know where we are. The rain doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon. We need to find shelter.

Another 10 minutes pass. Still nothing. It's been an hour. She's shivering severely. "Hey, don't worry, I'm not letting you die out here." I pulled her against me to give off some warmth. "I won't let you die." My legs were tired, but I started running in a different direction.

It felt safe to run this way. Never understood why. I keep running and see lights. "Hang on tight, please." I look down at my baby sister. She started to become ice cold. Her cries ended a long time ago.

A building! I see a building with lights! I ran as fast as my legs could handle and quickly knocked on the door. "Please! Let us in! My sister and I got kicked out, and we need a place to stay for the night!" I kept knocking on the door. It opened.

A girl took my hand and immediately dragged us in. "Mom! Come here!" She spoke. "MOM!" She yelled out again. This time, another girl came out of a hallway. Dark blue hair, blue eyes.

"Iaria, what do you want, I'm trying to make food." The blue hair girl scratched her neck and looked at me. "Um, do you need something, kid?" I was shivering still and sneezed. My sister hadn't moved.

"Hey, hey. Follow me and bring her with you." She pointed to the baby in my arms. "Iaria, go get towels and meet me in the kitchen. Also, find Zae before he hurts his fingers with the door lock." The blue hair girl grabbed my hand and walked me to the kitchen. She pulled us towards the oven and turned it on, making heat. It felt nice.

"Feeling better?" The blue girl smiled. I nodded my head. "Yes, thank you." I heard soft snoring and looked down. She fell asleep. "I thought she was going to die outside." "Well, why were you out there in the first place?" "Funny story, our parents kicked us out."

She picked up my sister and cradled her. "Why?" "Well, uh, she started crying her eyes out, and since my parents had enough, they decided to take us outside and lock us out."

I smiled sadly. "Alright, hon, listen to me. You're going to go and take a warm shower, and when you come back, food will be ready for you. Sound good to you?" The blue girl patted my head, still holding my sister. "What about her?"

"She'll be dry and warm. So how about it?" She held up a key. I took the key without hesitation and gently kissed my baby sister's forehead. "You'll be warm and happy soon!" I walked away from them and went to the room with the key.

The key went into the hole. "It's not opening?" I looked around. "Well, I guess I can force it open. Might break the lock though." I pushed my body against the door multiple times until it was forced open. I didn't hear the lock break.

"What is this place?" I wondered out loud as I entered the room. It looks a bit dirty, but I guess it made sense since this is an old building. The bathroom looked cleaner than the entire thing. "Do these work?"

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