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I can't bear it. Every day, these kids bully me around. I hate it. I'm strapped into this chair, day in, day out.

I was asleep, but quickly awoke when I heard it. The painting covering the entrance to the room I'm trapped in fell, and on the other side were two other people. They both looked to be about my age. The boy was wearing a bag over his head, and wore a dark greenish overcoat that goes down to his knees. The girl, on the other hand, had pale skin, barely visible under her hair, which was long and unkept, and she wore basic dirty and raggedy clothes.

The two look at me for a moment before climbing into the room, and even when they do, they hesitate on letting me go. The boy walks over and unties me, while the girl stands off to the side, watching me, ready to lunge at me the second I step out of line. The boy raises his head a little and tilts it. I took this as a way of smiling under his mask.

I grab a small spoon from the floor, carve my name into the wall, and point at it. They look for a second, and follow suit. The boy carves "Mono" and the girl, while hesitant at first, just carves "Six." The names seemed abstract, but I didn't question it.

I show the two a loose floorboard under us, which when we moved, lead to a small passage. We follow it, Mono in the lead, with Six and I following after him. At the end, there is a small room, which we make our way to the bottom, and pull open a vent.

Exiting the vent, we end up in a hall way, and have to climb over a fallen locker. We hear a creaking noise and then look on the wall to see the shadow of the teacher. I can't help but to shake at the sight of her. Six seems unfazed by it, and Mono seems more concerned with my reaction. She closes the door and the other two lead onwards, leaving me to drag along behind them.

Continuing down the hall, I can hear the doll kids. The eerie pattering of porcelain feet all around us. I speed up my pace and accidentally bump into the back of Six, who then gives me a stare which scared me more than the bullies. At the end of the hall, we make a turn, and all of a sudden a locker falls down with a loud BANG, almost crushing the three of us.

We use the locker to our advantage, and climb it to get over some other lockers that were being used to blockade the hall. There's a large table in the way this time, and when we went to inspect it, another trap went off, and a light slammed into the table. Once again, this helped us, and we were able to climb the table.

We make our way down the long stretch of hall ahead of us, and I start to slow down as we pass a door. BANG! I look ahead, and Mono is gone, and Six is being overrun by bullies. I run to the corner and hide, and the bullies take Six right past me without notice.

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