Chapter 9: Unseen Protector

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The moonless night sky was an abyss of darkness as the three Spengler siblings made their way out back and out to the Ecto-1 which was parked out next to the shed as they opened the doors and peered inside when suddenly a voice called out from somewhere in the darkness.

'Are you the gatekeeper?" the gravely voice asked and Phoenix glared as she gripped the proton pack tightly in both hands her body shielding her brother and sister who stood behind her.

"Get in the car you two." she said as she pushed them inside with her free hand. "Do not argue, just do as I say!" she said as she locked the door behind them.

"You take mom and go get Ray Stanz, do you understand me? I won't be able to fight this thing on my own." she said as she pressed her hand to the glass of the car window that separated them.

"I love you." she said her hand closing around the locket from their grandfather which was beginning to glow brightly like a small piece of fallen moonlight.

Closing her hand around the locket she thought of a memory long ago of her grandfather and held the locket up in her hand facing the on coming ghosts.

"EGON!!!!!!!" she yelled and the locket flared to life burning some of the approaching ghosts.

"Pheo darling, you have to go! I need you safe!" came the voice of her grandpa's ghost.

"No, I already lost you once, I won't fail your memory by running, I won't lose you again!" Phoenix replied as her dark curls blew back from her face as she clutched the locket tighter staggering slightly as her knees shook threatening to give out.

"Please, for me." Egon begged placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry grandpa, but we have to stop Gozer from returning." Phoenix said placing her hand over her grandfather's just as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Always forever." she said as she dropped her hand from her grandfather's with a small smile which he returned with one of his own.

"Always forever my Pheo." he replied giving her a kiss on the top of her head just as the other three Ghostbusters arrived.

Phoenix glanced over to see that they were all there before grasping the locket in both hands and closing her eyes against the bright blue light that came from within, the sound of voices ringing in her ears and the ghostly face of her grandpa fresh in her mind.

"I'm a Spengler, I will do what it takes to protect my family." she thought before raising the locket above her head like a sword and bringing it down so that the lights made the oncoming ghosts squeal in fright trying to get away from the light but failing.

The last thing she heard was the sound of her family calling for her, the locket falling from her hand as Phoenix Spengler crumpled to the ground.

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