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I stared in shock as a red aura burned from the cataclysm. The deep rumbles of the earth echoed around the lands as more creatures flooded the area.

The Seven had lost a battle and this is what we were given for it.

As I regained my balance I turned to Halfdan. He stood strong even though I knew he was afraid.

"Sir." He looked me in the eye, awaiting for me to finally speak.

I drew in a breath. Turning my head toward the disaster before me.

"I cannot see our nation lasting any longer due to the disaster at hand. We have managed to hold off these... monsters for some time, but not much longer. Though I urge you to continue on," I turned back toward the elite guard, approaching him.

"Sir.. The Seven have lost the electro archon Makoto and the God of Woods. I'm not sure-"

"I am quite aware of the situation, Halfdan. This loss is not an excuse to retreat. The people of Khaenri'ah are still in need of protection."  I glared into the depths of the soldier's eyes, thinking of what we could do to help. This would most likely be the last of our nation.

"There is not much for us to do, Dainsleif. This is the end of our nation. The cataclysm had destroyed... everything. We have lost too much." Halfdan averted his sight away from mine while stating this, though I had to agree with him. There is only one way to go down.

I turned around, scanning the destroyed city once again, before exhaling.

"Very well. I have one order."

"Protect the people of Khaenri'ah."

"At all costs."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚜 (Kaeya x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now