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𝄞 : Clef

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𝄞 : Clef.
The clef is a symbol used at the beginning of every piece of sheet music.


I finished my confirmation with one of the guards stationed at the entrance, before averting my gaze toward the area behind Mondstadt's stone entrance.
It was beautiful.
Music was heard as many shops were thriving with customers. The warm sunlight covered every nook and cranny of the buildings, and the grass was greener than ever. I inhaled sharply before beginning to venture beyond the entrance.

A young girl was stationed behind a table, with various bags of fertilizer, pots, and more displayed behind her as well.
"Well hello miss, how may I help you?" The little girl questioned, revealing a welcoming grin on her face. I blinked a few times, baffled by the girl's visual appearance. I apologized profusely as I wasn't looking to purchase anything, and continued my search for a restaurant.

I caught a glimpse of what might have been some meat. 'Finally..' I thought, heaving a sigh of relief as I headed up the stone staircase. When I reached the location, I ordered a dish and sat at the farthest table. The food was surprisingly delicious, more incredible than many of the dishes I had eaten during my journey.

As I finished up my meal, I glanced behind me to to see a small bulletin board. I looked through the various advertisements including, 'Alchemy: More Magical Than Magic.' and, 'Dawn Winery: The Cause of All this Horrible Alcohol!' One definitely caught my eye though. 'Join the Adventurers Guild! A friendly group with loads of benefits!' Benefits. If there's a chance I could earn some good mora by joining this guild, then I'm definitely up for it.

As I finished up at the restaurant, I eventually arrived at the location of the guild. A female was waiting there at the counter.
"Ad astra abyssosque!" The woman greeted me with what I am assuming was a motto of some sort.
"Greetings." I responded, revealing a partially awkward smile along my face. "I would like to sign up to join the guild?"
"Of course! But first, allow me to inform you on adventure ranks..." The woman started to explain something about a rank that increases and the higher the rank, blah, blah, blah.
"You will also be rewarded when your adventure rank increases."
Now we're talking.

"Cool! So do I have to pay you, or should-" I was cut off.
"Of course not! The guild does not require any form of payment to join." I nodded understandingly. "Now, as I said before, commissions that are sent in by individuals in need will earn you rewards. Would you like to accept one now?"
"Uh, Yeah!" I exclaimed, leaning over the desk a little to see any signs of paper.
"A commission has been issued about many hilichurls blocking the paths and have been causing travelers to be unable to continue their journey."
Hilichurls. Those horrible little creatures.*

*hilichurl supremacy ;)

I accept the commission in a hurry, eager to earn a little in order to survive in this region. I was barely able to survive in the last region with only a few thousand mora left on my hands. As I arrived at the location, I could here the loud chattering of the hilichurls as I began to approach them. I slowly reached for my sword, retrieving it from it's sheath. With that, I began to blindly sprint into action.

It was all a blur, and before I knew it, I was cornered, three hilichurls yelling toward me, club in hand. I started panicking as the hilichurls approached me further. At that moment, realization hit me. I quickly positioned myself in a familiar pose, and the hilichurls froze in place as seemingly millions of pristine water droplets began to rise from the earth. The droplets soon began to collide into a glob of clear liquid as I brought my sword from it's sheath once again. Then in one swift move, I broke the mass of water with my sword, and took out all of them.

When it was over, I closed my eyes, furrowing my brows as I chuckled.
"Almost forgot you were there." I gently patted the hydro vision attached to my belt, before exiting the small hilichurl camp, and retreating to the city of Mondstadt.
"Hey there!" I kindly greeted the same woman that stood behind the counter.
"Welcome back! Have you completed the commission yet?" The female asked, setting one of her hands on top of the other.
"In fact, I have! Hopefully those travelers will be able to continue their journeys." I responded.
"Perfect! Here is your reward!" The woman kindly handed me a big pouch of mora, as I stared at it in awe.

I continued to admire the oversized pouch before shaking my head and straightening my posture.
"Thank you ma'am." I nodded, slightly bowing as I began to leave.
"Ad astra abyssosque!" The woman called out after me as I looked around. Thankfully I was given just enough advice about this place to hopefully get by.

The woman had mentioned to me something about an inn somewhere around here. Goth Grand Hotel, I think it was. I began to wander around the city, ascending up a few staircases, before approaching a male with dark mask.
"Uh, is this the Goth Grand Hotel?" I inquired, crossing my arms as I observed the building. The man shot me a glare.
"Huh?! Haven't you heard? The inn is entirely reserved for the Fatui. Now if you don't mind, could you scram? You're in my way."
I scoffed at this rude remark.
"You Fatui people. You guys could most likely be the worst people to ever exist. Archon only knows when you will decide to give up." I shook my head.
"Cute. Still not getting a room though." The man chuckled, adjusting his short ponytail.

I had just about enough. "Well fine! Then I'll
go find the owner myself."
The male let out a breathy laugh. "Good luck!"
I huffed, beginning to storm off. I eventually reached a small park, sitting on a bench an old man was standing next to. I exhaled, leaning back.
"Sir? Oh, it seems I'm still in a working mood. Apologies." The man seemed sweet, so I decided not to hold any grudges.
"It's alright, you're fine. Uh, you mentioned work,  what do you do?" It was most certainly unlikely that this old man could be the owner of the hotel, but it's worth a shot.
"Me and my family own the inn here, Goth Grand Hotel. I'm Goth. Ludwig Goth." The man nodded his head joyfully, lending me a hand to shake.

He is the owner.
I blinked a few times in surprise, before taking his hand and shaking it.
"Oh... Wow. I was just there, trying to get a room, surprisingly. I've been a long way, and I honestly just need a place to stay."
OKAY, okay. I know it isn't right to guilt the man into giving me a room, but I'm desperate.
"Oh, yes. I'm terribly sorry about that. The Fatui had actually booked it entirely. But, if you don't mind, you said you have been traveling, do you have any stories to share, perhaps?" The man sat down beside me, waiting with anticipation.
"Uh... okay!"

After what seemed like hours, I finally finished telling the man about my journey.
"Fascinating." The man blurted.
I chuckled. "Haha... Thanks, I guess!"
"You know what?" The man stood up, giving me a determined look.
"You have come a long way. You deserve a room at my hotel." He said proudly.

Next thing I know, I was making faces at the Fatui guard as the old man got things sorted for my room. As I began to walk away with the key, I felt a tug on my belt. Straightening myself from falling, I looked behind me to see the Fatui guard. I stuck my tongue out at him, continuing on my path toward my room.

I entered the room, humming a little song as I did.
"Ding-dong the Fatui is wrong~"
I would sing this for about 5 seconds before a wave, no, a tsunami of worry washed over me.

My vision was gone.

Fatui harbinger simps, I mean no harm.

Scara is hot

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚜 (Kaeya x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now