744 22 13

Angst, cheating, mentions of married Joongdok, sad ending, no happy ending.

Short oneshot.

Kim Dokja stares, he stares at him.

Him.. Him who he loves the most for the past 4 years, him who he had cared about, him who he would do anything for, him who he would sacrifice for...

He stares his eyes upon him, upon his husband. His husband who was with another. Another that he doesn't know off.

He stared, and stared, and stared. He was going crazy.

He stared unto the restaurants window, unable to move a joint. He stares, a sea of tears waves down from his eyes unto his face.

Kim Dokja was a stupid, stupid man.

What was he even doing here? Why was he here? He thought to himself.

”Ah, right. The gifts..” He faintly said, his gaze moving from his husband to the gifts that he was supposed to give. He wanted to surprise his husband.

Carefully dropping one bag that he was holding, his hand making his way unto his pocket.

Opening his phone as he hits call.

He saw the others expression, Joonghyuk looked annoyed staring as his phone, seeing who the called was.

  Does he hate him that much? If so, why propose to him? Why marry him? But who was he, Dokja, to think like that, people can eventually fall out of love. But, why? Was he not enough? Why?

He watches the man's every move, gaze asserting to non but his husband.

He had the guts to do this out at public too, he must've crept those who was also in the resto and out. It wasn't like he could do anything, his feet felt frozen, not wanting to move nor do anything but cry, staring at his husband does all the things that they used to do while having time with only each other.

He saw his husband mouth a sorry and asked if she could wait for a bit.

Finally, answering the ringing phone.

“Dokja? Hon, look I don't have time. Can we please talk later? I'm really busy here at work”

It has always been like that. His was always busy at work.


“ugh... Dokja, look, I don't have time for this. Just tell me, what do you want?” the man on the other line said, groaning in annoyance at Dokja's silence.

”Joonghyuk-ah, look up...” his hoarse voice said, vibrating a bit by the works of crying.

In a worry, Joonghyuk's brought his attention out the window. His mouth and eyes gaped at the scene. His lover, husband, staring at him thru the window, wailing.

”Dokja...” he whispered under his breath, in disbelief...

In return, he gets a bitter smile, as Dokja's eyes closes, his balance improper.

    ”Happy anniversary, Joonghyuk-ah..”





No continuation, Open ending. Suffer. :D 

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