Chapter 5 - Movie Night

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"Oh, hey Deku-kun! Tsu and I were thinking about doing a Disney movie marathon tonight! Wanna join?" Uraraka asked as Izuku walked into the common room. He'd spend some time with Kacchan after they talked. He kicked him out when Izuku admitted he still had homework to complete, but the green head knew he needed some time to let things sink in and Kacchan would probably tell Kirishima about what happened too so the redhead could help him figure out where to go from here. It was cute, really.

It was almost time for dinner now, which is why he came downstairs. The murmurs of all the various thoughts around him almost drowned Uraraka's voice out, but Izuku managed to understand her. A movie marathon sounded great! They didn't have class tomorrow and it was an activity where no talking was involved so Izuku wouldn't feel too left out. So he nodded and Uraraka smiled, quickly informing Asui about it.

Izuku made his way over to the kitchen to see what he could eat for dinner tonight, only to find Kacchan preparing his own food. Ah, that would explain why everyone else was in the living room... People tended to stay clear of the kitchen when Kacchan was cooking ever since that time a fire broke out because the Bakusquad was messing with him.
"Good, you're here. Hold this" Bakugou said, handing his knife to Izuku after he added some cut up vegetables to the food he was making.

"You like ramen, right? I promise I didn't make it too spicy~ I know you can't handle shit"
What? What did he mean? Ha, look at that dumb face! What a dumbass. Izuku frowned, putting the knife down so he could sign.
[What do you mean?]

"Hah? I'm cooking for us, idiot" Kacchan scoffed. I shouldn't have said it like that. Do I need to be more affectionate from now on? Does he expect that I show him more affection? I'm not good at that sappy sweet talk crap!
[You don't have to overthink this Kacchan] Izuku smiled.
[I just didn't expect it. I'm thankful for the food]

"Good" he huffed, relieved by that answer.
"And stay out of my head, it's fucking creepy"
[I can't help it!] Izuku signed, making Katsuki roll his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, just... Don't answer directly to my thoughts, okay? It's fucking weird"
[I'll try, promise] Izuku smiled, wanting to turn around and leave Kacchan to it when Kaminari entered.

"Oh thank god you guys made up!" he exclaimed, clinging onto Izuku in an instant.
"Fuck off dunce face! What the hell do you even mean?!" Bakugou hissed.
"I told Midoriya to go talk to you dude! I know you don't want to admit it, but you two had a fight, and I'm glad it's solved now!" Kaminari grinned.
"I mean, it's over now, right? You two are back to being, uhm, neutral..?"

They're not exactly friends... But things are a lot better between them now then when we first started school, that's for sure! Besides, if Kacchan heard me call Midoriya his friend, he'd explode me! Izuku couldn't deny Kaminari's thoughts made sense. If only he knew the truth...
"Just get out of my damn kitchen! And take Deku with you!"

Dinner turned out to be amazing, as Izuku expected. Kacchan was an awesome cook after all. And afterwards, most of the class settled down in the living room to watch Disney movies together. Izuku was enjoying it, hearing most people were focused on the story, recalling things that would happen in a few scenes. It would be spoilers if Izuku himself hadn't seen all these movies at least trice by now. No, things were going smoothly and with the subtitles on, he could follow the movie just fine.

It wasn't until Uraraka started imaging them in the place of the prince and princess that Izuku started to feel awkward. If Izuku had realized anything about his best friend in the last few days, it was that Uraraka definitely wanted to be more than best friends. Izuku tried to ignore it as much as possible, telling himself he'd talk to her once his voice returned. That and he didn't want to hear her thoughts when he rejected her feelings. They wouldn't be pretty, that's for sure...

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