Chapter 6 - Notes and Concerns

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Katsuki was honestly surprised to hear that Deku hadn't been seen all morning by the time he entered the common room on Sunday morning. So the nerd really slept in huh? Good for him.
"You're in a good mood today huh?" Kirishima grinned as he watched Katsuki make some scrambled eggs for breakfast.
"And what the hell gave you that impression, shitty hair?"

"Well, you're allowing me in the kitchen for one" the redhead pointed out.
"Oh and you haven't gotten angry once yet!"
"Not gonna take long at this rate" Katsuki grumbled, giving his friend a side glare.
"Come on man! You're in a good mood, just admit it" Kirishima laughed.
"So what? Something good happened? Something related to a certain freckled green haired boy~?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Katsuki hissed, throwing an explosion in his face. Kirishima knew damn well what happened between him and Deku! Katsuki had told him yesterday and Kirishima freaked the fuck out, squealing and jumping and being way too fucking happy and giddy for Katsuki to handle.
"Just admit you're happy dude!"

"Yeah, yeah, just fuck off" Katsuki sighed, dropping the scrambled eggs on his plate. Sero and Kaminari soon joined them at breakfast, an almost complete Bakusquad chatting away and complaining about homework. It was strange that Mina hadn't shown up yet, but Katsuki didn't question it. Unlike what many people thought, she wasn't one to sleep in. Ah, she probably got distracted and was scrolling through her phone or something.

The one he was more concerned about was Deku, who still hadn't come downstairs yet. That nerd would definitely be awake right now... He probably woke up early and skipped breakfast so people would think he slept in. Yeah, that was something that nerd would do to shake off his friends' worries and concerns. He was probably making homework up in his room and didn't realize how late it was already.

"Can you help me with our math homework? I'm really struggling with three of the exercises" Kirishima whined.
"Yeah, me too! Please Kacchan~?" Kaminari begged.
"I told you to stop calling me that!" Katsuki hissed.
"What about this-" he grinned, using Izuku's name sign for him. A few seconds later, his hair was singed.

"Come on dude, please? If I fail to complete my homework again, Aizawa sensei might kill me!" Kirishima asked again.
"That sounds like a you problem, shitty hair" Katsuki scoffed.
"Besides, I got places to be. Later, extras"
The squad whined for a bit, but Katsuki ignored them as he took the stairs to the first floor. Let's catch that nerd off guard, shall we?

Now that they were together, he could openly lecture him on how to take care of himself. Not that his thoughts didn't already tell him that... Deku never kept his door locked, so Katsuki didn't bother knocking. He could hear him coming anyway with that stupid quirk he was under. Well, he guessed he'd have to be thankful for the accident to some extent, since this is what brought them together, but it still sucked.

"Oi Deku, you better be fucking sleeping or I'll-"

Katsuki frowned when he walked into an empty room. What the hell..? He slowly closed the door behind him, walked over to the bed as if he would somehow appear in it. Where the hell was the nerd..? Katsuki frowned, turning around to face his desk and wall full of All Might merch. This place was a mess, but that didn't surprise him. His notebooks were scattered around together with his school work. Tch. How did he even find anything in here?!

Katsuki picked up one of the notebooks, titled Quirk analysis: Muted Mind. Fucking hell! This shit was supposed to be a secret! Why did Deku let this shit linger around here without even locking his door properly?! Ugh, what the hell was he supposed to do with this damn idiot... Katsuki sighed, flopping down in Deku's chair and flipping the notebook open. Didn't seem like there was any new info on the page he read before... The following page caught his attention though. Hm, what was this..? Notes and concerns?

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