Chapter 2

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"Hello," The man said. "Welcome!" He sneered. "H-hi," I said shakily. "So you're Kate," He said. I nodded. "How old are you Kate?" He asked "9," I said looking down at my feet. "Ok," he said. "I'm Mr.piglet," he said. Wow "piglet" what a good name for a piglet! I thought.  Mr.piglet led me to a train. "Hop on!" Mr.piglet said. "Can I bring a couple books?" I asked. "Ok umm Peat lead her to her room then bring her back!" Oh so the skinny boys name is Peat! "Ok," Peat said. He led me up the stairs and back to the dark and scary room. I ran over to the bookshelf and looked at the books. Peat looked away so I ran to the bed grabbed the gold book, ran back to the bookshelf and picked three other books to cover the golden book. Then we walked back to the train. I jumped on and was led to a compartment. When I was left by my self I looked at the gold book. I was so sleepy though. I walked to a bed and fell asleep. "BEEP!" I jumped up. I dreamed that I died instead of my parents. My hart was beating so fast! I remember that day...

-------START OF FLASH BACK--------

Mom was cooking a muffin for my birthday. My dad was at work and my sister was watching my mom. We were poor but happy. I was waiting for my dad to get home. That's when I saw it. The twisty wind thing they call a tornado. My dad was still at work. I herd my mom scream."TORNADO!" My mom ran over to me and picked me up while holding my sisters small hand. My mom opened the door and we ran to the door in the ground. My mom helped my sister down and handed me to her. Then my mom hoped in. "Over there cover you're selfs up!" My mom screamed over the wind. We did as we were told. Then my mom screamed.  And then I got hit in the head with something and everything went black. I woke to my friend Abby shaking me. "Get up now!!" She whisper yelled. "Ok." I whispered back. Abby stood up and then helped me up. Abby's reddish brownish hair fell in her face but on the tips is red, blood red! I always wanted to be Abby, her hair, her eyes golden in the day and gray in the night. And how nice and well active she always is. She was always better at gym than me and she is sooo popular. Why did she even like me? I was short, had glasses and was not athletic at all! I had curly blond hair, not even as pretty as Abby's hair and I'm only sort of popular because of Abby. Without her I would be a nobody... I sighed. Abby stood up then offered me her hand. She jumped out of the hole then helped me up. I tripped and fell a bunch. But I managed to get out. I looked up, and what I saw scared me like the horror movies. Cars were tipped over, homes caved in. And people, dead. My house was cracked in half, and I have no clue where my family is. I looked at Abby and she was picking up a little girl maybe about three or two. The little girl was Abby's little sister Annie. Annie was still alive thankfully! But had some cuts. "Is she ok?" I ask. "Ya,"  Abby said sadly. I look to the South and see my mom sprawled on the floor I run over to her and shake her. My mom wakes up thankfully! "K-Kat-te?" My mom said. "Yes?" I cried. "I love you!" My mom said."I love you too mom!" I said back holding back tears. My moms brown hair covered in dry blood. My moms green eyes full with tears is the last thing I see of her. "NO!' I scream. Kicking the grass. I cry till I have no tears. Abby was just comforting me and telling me it is ok. But it's not ok, my moms dead! Stand up and try to find my sister and my dad. I run around the dead bodies. Calling for Lilly or my dad. Abby found her Dad, Mom and younger brother. They were all alive but Abby's dog Fluffy died. I still only found my mom who is now dead. My hart stops when I think of my house. My dad would have gone in there to see if we were in there. Oh gosh I hope not! I run as fast as my short legs can carry me. I stop 10 feet from my house. I walk up the side walk up to my house. I enter the cracked and broken doorway there I see it a hand just lying there on the floor no arm or nothing just a detached hand on the floor on my home. I felt like vomiting. The hand had my dads wedding ring on it and his watch. That's when I vomited!

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