Chapter 16

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"It's true." Peat said. Shuffling his feet. "Well thank you.." I looked to the side avoiding his eyes. This day just went from weird to crazy to scary to creepy... I looked at Peat. His cheeks were so pink. They were, well. Red. I looked back into the mirror. I had a really good figure. I turned to the side to look at my waist, thinnish. I spun over to Peat. "So... how did I stay alive all those years? And, uh, what happened while I was asleep? Wait how was I asleep? Did I die? Did-" "Hold on... Okay, Kate. I understand you want answers..." I nodded. "So, sit down, this is going to be a long story. I found out, just 3 mounts ago..." "Okay..." I said siting down on the bed. Peat leaned on the wall and crossed his arms. "Alright. Kate, you are, The. There is an actual name for it. The stands for: The Hero of Earth. But The can also be called: Dog Which stands for: Destroyer Of the Galaxy. When ever someone hears The, they get scared thinking of Dog. The can make anything they want just by thinking of it. The last Dog, who was The before you, Kate. He was a mad man. He made monsters. That doesn't mean you are responsible for them. It just mean's you have more things to, "Take Care Of". And well... Kate, you didn't kill your sister that was a monster..." "My best friend, killed my sister, thats not any better.... And shes a vampire... Peat, before I, fell asleep I had a vision... I saw My sister die before she did..." "You did! That's great!" "No, Peat... I saw my own sister... die. She was killed... And, I could of saved her, that's why I..." I wiped a tear away. " Just continue..." "Okay... Ah, Okay... Well when you were 9, we took you away from, your sister because you were The, we knew it. My Grandpa, Mr. piglet... Is, uh... Never mind. Well To save The, The has to trust someone with there life, My grandpa thought about love. Then, uh..." Peat stopped thinking about what to say. "Then you have to hug the person, it has to be the opposite gender by the way... And," He stopped again, his face got pail. "Then, uh you make them the next The!" I felt like he lied. "Tell me the truth." "Uh... I can't." "Ohhhh yes you can!" "Fine! Okay... You hug and the person you trust, who also trusts you," He looks at me his eyes sad. "They kill you. And the weapon is full of The's power... Then to give the power to someone you have to cut your own arm and then you are The..." "What? Okay... Umm... Okay. Then how did I become The? I don't remember my arm being cut open... Just saying" "Do you know your grandpa?" "Yeah, he made me cooki-" "NO! GOODNESS! The one who went crazy..." "Oh, I wasn't aloud to see him... Only once... Peat... He chose me... He told my family to leave, then he..." I looked at the floor, "He smiled at me, then he said

'Kate, You are an amazing girl. And Grandpa hear made a lot of bad choices, and I know you'll do much better. Its a big responsibility, and I trust you.' He pulled out a sucker, that I ate. I remember it tastings weird. He smiled at me and died. I grabbed his hand and cried."

"Well he gave it to you, your grandpa made all those monsters and gave their responsibility to a little kid... He was a horrible man..." "My grandpa..." "Yeah..." "Tell me more." "On The's 16th birthday they get there powers. Oh, and Kate." Peat looked at me and smiled. He walked over and sat next to me. "Happy birthday..." He leaned in and kissed me and stood up walking to the door he said "Tell you more tomorrow, at dinner and, a movie..." "He looked back at me, His cheeks were so red, it was so cute though. He looked away and whispered something I barely heard, "I love you..." The door shut and I heard a lock click. I was still a prisoner... The kiss , it was so sudden. I was shocked. My eyes were wide open. And my face burned. I slowly whispered back, "Love you too..."

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