There's a Girl Worth Fighting For

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Y/n and Mu were still answering questions after an hour had passed, deciding on all of the details.

"So, tell me, will it be a big wedding?"

"Absolutely," Mu decided.

"Oh, absolutely not," Y/n disagreed.


"As many as possible," Y/n said.

"Oh, maybe one or two. We'll have to think about it."

"Right away."







M/n and F/n watched from a small distance, growing more concerned.

"Oh, dear. Did you hear that?" M/n asked with her hand on her husband's chest.

"Not exactly a harmonious couple, are they?" he agreed.

"What should we do?"

"Perhaps we should give our gift to the children now."

But before they could, a man on an imperial horse with a scroll. The crowd shouted as he rose to Mu and Y/n. Shang stepped forward with them.

"General Shang, Captain Fa, L/n F/n, orders from His Majesty, the emperor." He handed Shang a scroll.

"Is there trouble?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. Report to the Imperial Palace."

He nodded. "We'll leave at once."


"This must be pretty important for the emperor to want both of us," Y/n said as she got h/n ready and Mu got Khan.

"He knows a winning team when he sees one," Mu responded, smiling at her.


Up in the rafters, Mushu watched with Cri-Kee, already ticked that he was being revoked as Y/n's guardian, as she would adopt Mu's ancestors. "Since when are they the winning team? The ink ain't even dried on my pink slip and I'm bein' replaced!"

Cri-Kee squeaked angrily at him, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, I know. You're right," Mushu sighed. "How could I have been so selfish. Look at them."

They were still smiling at each other as they put their saddles on.

"Those two clearly got it goin' on." He nodded at himself, punching his palm. "Cri-Kee. I've made a decision. I gotta kiss my pedestal goodbye. Because my girl's happiness comes first."

He squeaked in approval as F/n and M/n came in.


Y/n looked at them as they entered. "Bába. Māmā."

"We were just admiring the Mudan tree," F/n said as they stepped in.

"It's so lovely this year," their daughter agreed.

"The blossoms reach for the sunlight above, yet, unseen, the roots reach for the raindrops below." He put the blossom in her hair as he continued. "Sun and rain. So different, yet only by working together do they create harmony and life."

"I know, Bába. The lesson of yin and yang," Y/n replied with a smile.

"And to help you remember that lesson..." He took off the necklace that he wore under the clothes and M/n did the same.

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