He Lives

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"What do you mean they are gone?!" Lord Qin demanded angrily.

Shang bowed respectfully and explained, "There was an accident, Lord Qin. The royal carriage fell into the river and was destroyed."

"Oh. A grave loss..." he sympathized, but then saw one of his servants huff and gesture. "But - but it does not alter my agreement with the emperor and unless it is honored, I will sanctify no alliance with the middle kingdom! A marriage was promised!"

"And a marriage there shall be," Y/n spoke up. She walked up and took a deep breath. "I would be honored to wed a prince of Qui Gong."


But his advisor pulled him to the side. "My Lord. L/n Y/n...a hero of China. Oh, a jewel in your crown; far more dear than three mere princesses."

"Mmm..." He turned back to the two, trying to look stern. "This is not what was agreed! However..." He relented with a smile. "The Golden Dragon of Unity smiles upon you today. And in view of this tragedy, I will accept your offer."

"My Lord, if you would reconsider," Shang pleaded, stepping forward. "Her fiancé was in the carriage accident -"

"A fine time to see what other fish are in the sea, then," he interjected, then smiled down upon Y/n. "You will make a fine bride for my eldest son, Prince Jeeki."

He stepped aside and presented a geeky, scrawny boy, fiddling with a finger trap, laughing nervously when everyone looked at him. He looked at Y/n in distaste, asking, "This is her? She's so old!"

Y/n griminced herself, then sighed, trying to figure out how she could see Mu in him whenever she was forced to look into his eyes.


The six had kept to their command in staying with each other, looking out towards a mountainside.

"Y/n said she was going to finish the mission no matter what. But how can she without us?" Yao asked.

"By taking your place."

They looked behind them and found Mu riding on Khan towards them. His hair was down and hanging down his shoulders, so damp.

"Mu's alive!"

Everyone cheered and rushed to him. Once it has died down, Mu looked onward where his...fiancé?...was. "No one should marry someone they don't love. I'm going to Qui Gong."

"We're coming with you," Ting-Ting offered.

"No, you're not. Stay here." He rode off, leaving the others to stare ahead dumbly.

"Mmm...would you say that was an order?" Ling asked.

With a cheeky grin, Chien Po disagreed with, "I would say it was a friendly suggestion."

"Let's go!" Yao cried and they all took off after Mu, whooping as they ran.



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